Helping Local Governments Protect Water Resources
References for communities looking to protect aquifers, lakes, rivers and
Links for the resources described in a presentation in Elmira, New York on February 22,
Aquifer Maps and Diagrams

Map of Primary and Principal Aquifers in NYS
Figure 2.1 of the Revised Draft SGEIS, page 2-21. Click
here for PDF of Figure 2.1. Primary aquifers are defined as "highly productive
aquifers presently utilized as sources of water supply by major municipal water
supply systems." Principal aquifers are "aquifers known to be highly
productive or whose geology suggests abundant potential water supply, but which
are not intensively used as sources of water supply by major municipal systems
at the present time." See
Closeup of Our Area
Closeup showing that eleven of New York's 18 primary aquifers are located in our

Cross-section of the Corning Valley Fill Aquifer
The diagram illustrates how the Corning valley fill aquifer is incised into the
bedrock. Figure 28 from Surficial Aquifer System, Valley-Fill Glacial Aquifers, Ground
Water Atlas of the United States, USGS publication HA 730-M,
ch_m/M-text1.html. "The Corning aquifer is an example of a valley-fill glacial
aquifer deposited by meltwater streams that drained away from stagnated or melting
glacial ice in upland valleys. It is characteristic of many such glacial-drift aquifers
in the Appalachian Plateaus. The aquifer occupies four deeply incised bedrock valleys
formed by the junction of the Chemung River and its principal tributaries, the Canisteo,
the Tioga, and the Cohocton Rivers, in southeastern Steuben County, N.Y. The valleys
are incised deeply into flat-lying shaly carbonate bedrock."

Cross-section of the Cayuta Creek Aquifer
Figure 7,
Geohydrologic section across Cayuta Creek Valley, from the recently released USGS
study of the aquifers in the valley, "Hydrogeology of the Stratified-Drift Aquifers
in the Cayuta Creek and Catatonk Creek Valleys in
of Tompkins, Schuyler,
Chemung, and Tioga Counties," New York, 2012, Miller, Todd S.; Pitman, Lacey M.,
USGS Scientific Investigations Report: 2012-5127,

Map of the Elmira-Horseheads-Big Flats Aquifer
From Chapter Seven, Elmira-Horseheads-Big Flats Area, Figure 7A, T.S. Miller, 1982,
in Atlas of Eleven Selected Aquifers in New York, R.M. Waller and A.J. Finch,
eds., U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 82-553,
p. 127 et seq. Download PDF of Chapter 7 at
Many Aquifers Are Not Mapped in Detail
Map showing which aquifers in New York have been mapped in detail by USGS. See
aquifer.maps/aquifer1.maps.html. John H. Williams, USGS Groundwater Specialist,
testified to the NYS Assembly hearing on the DEC's proposed fracking regulations,
January 10, 2013, that "the valley fill aquifers found in upstate New York
are some of the most important aquifers in the state." He noted that detailed
aquifer maps are available for many aquifers in the Southern Tier, but said that
approximately 375 miles of valley fill aquifers have not been mapped at a detailed
level and, "Thus a substantial portion of the area with the highest potential
for shale gas development lacks the basic hydrogeologic information needed to assess
these aquifers, including their spatial extent." See
watch?v=WjuXg9f7jVU, testimony beginning at 10:10. The testimony quoted is
one of his first remarks. Mr. Williams' testimony on this issue was highlighted
by Assemblyman Steve Englebright, himself a geologist, when he questioned DEC Commissioner
Martens on Feb. 4, 2013, during the Assembly Budget hearing. See
2h21m at 2:24:40. Mr. Martens responded that all New York's primary and principal
aquifers have been mapped in sufficient detail. A comparison of the map on the
left with the primary and principal aquifer map above demonstrates that a majority
of the principal aquifers in the state have not been mapped. The DEC website states
that "All of the Primary Aquifers have been mapped in detail at a scale of
1:24,000." See
As is seen in the aquifer map on slide 1 above, primary aquifers are only a small
fraction of the total number of aquifers in New York.
Maps of Surface and Groundwater Monitoring Locations
Map of USGS Hydrologic Conditions Network
Showing USGS groundwater and streamflow monitoring locations from DEC webpage on
The page states: "The NYSDEC and USGS are partners in evaluating hydrologic
conditions across New York State. Data evaluated includes stream discharge, water
levels, precipitation, and components from water-quality monitors. This information
and additional information from other Federal, State, and local agencies assist the
NYSDEC and the State Drought Management Task Force in evaluating regional conditions
for determination of drought classifications. The USGS maintains tables and reports
of current hydrologic conditions (link in the right column). The map shows the latest
Hydrologic Conditions Network, which includes monitoring wells and stream gauging

SRBC Stream Monitoring Sites in Chemung Subbasin
Site Conditions and Watersheds Map from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission's
Chemung Subbasin Atlas Maps, Current Projects: Chemung Subbasin Survey,
The SRBC's 2006 Chemung Subbasin Survey of water quality can be downloaded at
techdocs/Publication_251/techreport251.pdf. The DEC's most recent Chemung River
Basin Waterbody Inventory/ Priority Waterbodies List Report was issued as a Final
Draft Report in May 2007.
This report includes an overall evaluation of water quality in the Chemung River
Basin, as well as assessments for specific waterbody segments in the basin. It is
linked at
A 2003 report on Ground-Water Quality in the Chemung River Basin, New York, by Kari
K. Hetcher-Aguila, USGS Open-File Report 2004-1329 is posted at
Chemung County Water Quality Committee Surface Water Monitoring Sites
The types of data collected by the committee are described at
The Chemung County Water Quality Strategy Plan is linked at
Annual Drinking Water Reports

Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports
Information about public drinking water supplies is available in the Annual Water
Quality Reports that public drinking water systems are required to provide. The purpose
of the AWQR reports is described on the NYS DOH website at
annual_water_quality_report/: "The Annual Water Quality Report is designed to
provide consumers with information on the quality of the water delivered by their
public water system. Annual Water Quality Reports must contain information about
the water system; information on the source of the water; reporting levels of contaminants
detected in the finished water; information on cryptosoridium, radon, and other unregulated
contaminants; information on any violations of the national primary drinking water
regulations; and information regarding any variances or exemptions the water system
may be operating under. . . . Public water supplies serving greater than 100,000
people are required to post their Annual Water Quality Reports on the internet. For
all other Annual Water Quality Reports, contact your local health department, Department
of Health District Office or public water supplier."
The Environmental Working Group has a summaries of 2004-2008 data for every zip
code in their National Drinking Water Database,
Examples of Using Zoning to Create Aquifer Protection Districts
Map of Aquifer Protection District, Town of Big Flats, New York
The map is posted at
uploads/Main/Town_Aquifer_Protection_Zone_Map.pdf. The Big Flats ordinance
creating the aquifer is posted at
documents/ laws/reg2/LandUseCenter5.doc. The Big Flats Comprehensive Plan describes
the district: "The Aquifer Protection Overlay District (APOD) is intended
to preserve the quality and quantity of the town’s groundwater resources
to ensure a safe drinking water supply. The district has three areas that are overlaying
other districts, Area I, Area II, and Area III. Area I is described as the area
of the aquifer that is highly permeable and primarily serves as a public water
supply for a municipal water system. Area II is the area of the primary aquifer,
which, although it may potentially be a productive water source, is not yet used
intensively as a public water source. Area III is the upland area of the town tributary
to the aquifer protection overlay district. The APOD provides a list of certain
prohibited uses, and in addition gives the Planning Board, through the site plan
review process, the authority to request additional information from professional
hydro-geologists or other experts for certain potentially harmful commercial and
industrial uses proposed within the APOD." See
Big_Flats_Comprehensive_Plan.pdf, page 32.
Remediation of a Petroleum Spill in Big Flats, New York
Section of a poster describing the remediation of a petroleum spill at the Griffith
Oil Terminal in Big Flats, New York, showing the geographical setting near the Chemung
River. Poster linked at
closure- analysis-proves-success-of-enhanced-hydrocarbon-bioremediation- using-twelve-horizontal-sparge-wells-at-petroleum-products-bulk-terminal/.
The Town of Big Flats Hazard Mitigation Plan mentions a major petroleum spill event
at Griffith Oil Terminal. See
Local Laws other than Zoning
Town of Wales, NY Local Law adopted June 14, 2011
In addition to banning fracking, the ordinance protects water resources in the
town and provides criminal penalties for its violation. The law is posted at
doc/Frack_Actions_WalesNY.pdf. A CELDF Press Release describes the law: "The
Ordinance ( No.3-2011) was enacted as a local law under NYS Municipal Home Rule Act,
which recognizes broad police powers under the statute. The Ordinance establishes
a Bill of Rights for Wales residents and “recognizes and secures certain civil
and political rights of the residents of the Town of Wales to govern themselves and
protect themselves from harm to their persons, property and environment.” See
Town of Wayland, NY Water Conservation and Permitting Program
Local law adopted in 1996. Download from
20:field=documents;/content/ Documents/File/23.pdf. The Findings section of
the law states:
(A) The primary source of water in the Town of Wayland is an underground aquifer,
which must be protected to ensure that the quality and quantity of water available
meets both present and future demands.
(B) Groundwater quality samples taken from the former Wayland landfill have exceeded
standard for some inorganic parameters established by NYSDEC for groundwater. Pressure
reduction in the aquifer, and the increased gradient produced by additional pumping,
might increase the downward and lateral migration rate of these contaminants, migration
of these contaminants into the water supply could have a detrimental effect on water
quality for wells within the flow path of the aquifer.
(C) After recent temporary increases in groundwater pumping, numerous residents of
the Town of Wayland experienced one or more of the following conditions: ( 1) loss
of water, (2) low water; (3) cloudy or muddy water; and (4) bad tasting and/or bad
smelling water.
(D) The tax base of the Town will suffer adverse effects if water quality and/or
quantity problems are not addressed in such a way as to protect future development,
and the property values of existing residences and businesses.
(E) If water conservation and permitting programs are not instituted, irreparable
damage may be done to the local aquifer; the local environment and property values
in the Town.
Critical Environmental Areas
New York’s SEQRA regulations provide that local agencies may designate specific
geographic areas within their boundaries as Critical Environmental Areas (CEAs).
To be designated as a CEA, an area must have an exceptional or unique character with
respect to one or more of the following: a benefit or threat to human health a natural
setting, e.g., fish and wildlife habitat, forest and vegetation, open space, scenic
quality agricultural, social, cultural, historic, archaeological, recreational, or
educational values; or an inherent ecological, geological or hydrological sensitivity
to change that may be adversely affected by any change. Following designation as
a CEA, the potential impact of any Type I or Unlisted Action on the environmental
characteristics of the CEA is a relevant area of environmental concern and must be
evaluated in the determination of significance prepared pursuant under SEQRA. See
Sole Source Aquifers
Map of Sole Source Aquifers in New York
Sole source aquifers are designated by the EPA pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water
Act. A sole source aquifer is defined as one which supplies at least fifty percent
(50%) of the drinking water consumed in the area overlying the aquifer. There can
be no alternative drinking water sources that could physically, legally, and economically
supply all those who depend upon the aquifer for drinking water. SSA designations
are made in response to a petition from the locality, and after public hearing. All
Federal financially assisted projects that have the potential to contaminate the
SSA area are subject to review by the EPA. State and local governmental agencies
may have to more closely scrutinize a project before granting a permit in an SSA.
For example, the NY Environmental Conservation Law requires that any person seeking
a SPDES permit or a renewal within an area designated as a sole source aquifer, shall
include as a part of the required information, the name and address of all public
water purveyors with a service area within three miles of the applicant’s facility.
For more information about the EPA's Sole Source Aquifer Protection Program visit
Map of the Cortland Homer Preble Sole Source Aquifer
The Cortland Homer Preble SSA was designated in 1988 in response to a petition from
the Cortland County Legislature. The Cortland-Homer-Preble Aquifer System underlies
portions of Cortland and Onondaga Counties, New York. It is the sole source of drinking
water for the 35,000 residents in the aquifer service area; There are no viable alternative
drinking water sources of sufficient supply; and if contamination were to occur,
it would pose a significant hazard to public health. See Cortland Homer Preble Aquifer
System, US EPA Region 2,
Municipal Compacts and Watershed Associations
In 1960, the New York legislature authorized local governments to cooperate by entering
into inter-municipal agreements for the performance of their respective functions,
powers, and duties and allows them to cooperate regarding land use planning, regulation,
and administration with the enactment of Article 5-G of the General Municipal Law.
In 1993 the state legislature authorized county governments to assist constituent
localities in land use matters. The 1993 amendments modified General Municipal Law §§ 119-u
and 239-d, as well as General City Law § 20-g, Town Law § 284 and Village
Law § 7-741. Pursuant to these amendments, a county planning agency can act
in an advisory capacity, assist in the preparation of a comprehensive plan, assist
in the preparation of land use regulations, and participate in the formation of individual
or joint administrative bodies. For more information, see Grassroots Regionalism
Under New York Law: Encouraging Intermunicipal Land Use Compacts, John R. Nolon,
March 1999,
Keuka Watershed Improvement Cooperative
The Keuka Watershed Improvement Cooperative (KWIC) was formed by inter-municipal
agreement in 1993 of the six towns and two villages bordering Keuka Lake. The previous
watershed organization known as the Keuka Lake Perimeter Committee became dysfunctional
in the early 1980's after several towns pulled out of the agreement. The Keuka Lake
municipalities determined that tourism and tax base depend on a clean and healthy
lake. Local tourism generates nearly $50 million dollars a year, and the real property
tax base along the lake represents an estimated $1 billion (up to 70% of all assessed
value in many towns). For more information about KWIC, see and
Proposed Seneca Lake Municipal Partnership
The Seneca lake Pure Waters Association (SLPWA) recently sent a letter sent to all
the counties, towns, cities and villages bordering Seneca Lake suggesting the formation
of an intermunicipal Seneca Lake watershed agreement. The letter states, "By
actions taken or not taken within its boundaries, each municipality within the Seneca
Lake watershed has an influence over the ecology and water quality of Seneca Lake
and its tributaries. We believe that a partnership across all municipalities in the
watershed dedicated to enhancing and preserving the quality of Seneca Lake would
be in the long term interests of our communities and the Finger Lakes." See
Seeley Creek Watershed Association
The Seeley Creek Watershed Association is comprised of citizens, elected officials,
and government agencies working together in Pennsylvania and New York to improve
water quality, reduce flooding, and conserve the natural resources of the Seeley
Creek watershed.
Seeley Creek Watershed Map
Figure 1 from Seeley Creek Watershed Strategic Plan, p. 2, showing towns and states
in the watershed,
Environmental%20Planning/ Watershed_Plan_Seeley_2002.pdf.
Facility Detail Report for McInerney Farm Hazardous Waste Site
program _facility? p_registry_id=110008086249. The McInerney Farm Hazardous
Waste Site is discussed in the Seeley Creek Watershed Strategic Plan in the section
on hazardous material releases in the watershed on page 47: "Hazardous contaminants
are located within the Seeley Creek floodplain at the McInerny Farm Hazardous Waste
Disposal Site in the Town of Southport. Although this site was remediated, subsequent
monitoring has identified additional contamination."
Hazardous Waste Sites in Elmira Zip Code
Map of facilities, sites or places of environmental interest in or near the 14901
Zip Code with the potential to generate releases that affect the environment from
The sites listed "indicate they are registered as places subject to environmental
regulation or of environmental interest and do not independently mean that a violation
or dangerous emission has occurred."
IMPORTANT LEGAL DISCLAIMER: These reference materials are published for educational purposes
only. The matters discussed in the presentation are general in nature and are incomplete
of the law. Nothing in this presentation constitutes legal advice or an offer of legal
advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular
issue or problem.