Village of Bath Wastewater Treatment Plant
Discharges into the Cohocton River, a primary drinking
water aquifer, pursuant to SPDES Permit No. NY0021431

Water testing by Sierra Club Water Sentinels at the outflow of
the Bath WWTP into the Cohocton River. In 2020 the plant accepted
effluent from four permitted industrial users: Bath Landfill
Leachate Pre-Treatment Plant (Bath LPTP), VA Medical Center,
Ira Davenport Hospital, and Mercury Aircraft. The Bath LPTP receives
leachate from a number of active and closed landfills in this
region, including the Hakes Landfill and
directly pipes its effluent to the Bath WWTP.
2022 NYS DEC SPDES Permit Modifications
from Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter requesting additional modifications
to the Village of Bath SPDES permit to address PFAS issues,
June 6, 2022.
letter addressing PFAS issues at the plant filed by EarthJustice
on behalf of Seneca Lake Guardian, June 3, 2022.
Proposed modification to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
SPDES permit for the Village Wastewater Treatment Plant, Permit Permit
ID No. NY-0021431 announced
in DEC's Environmental Notice Bulletin, May 4, 2022.
draft permit
DEC SPDES Permit Fact Sheet, February 11, 2022.
Request for Effluent Disinfection Compliance Actions (Second Request),
from Village of Bath to NYS DEC, January 29, 2022.
2021 SEQRA Review
The Village of Bath, as lead agency, determined that the proposed
Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades will not have a significant adverse
environmental impact. The action involves various upgrades to existing
facilities at the Village of Bath Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)
in order to meet new discharge permit requirements, increase the
treatment capacity of the WWTP and replace aging equipment. In addition,
the project includes the construction of new facilities to incorporate
membrane bioreactor technology into the treatment process. Negative
Declaration announced in DEC's Environmental Notice Bulletin,
September 29, 2021.
US EPA Study
Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Bath Wastewater Treatment
Plant Upgrades, EPA Presentation, Northeast Residuals & Biosolids
Conference 2017, October 25-27, 2017.
Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Bath, NY Wastewater
Treatment Plant: Potential Upgrade Implications, US EPA, June
Permits and Reports
Permit ID: NY-0021431
Effective Date: 10/01/2020, Expiration Date: 9/30/2025
of Bath Resolution for Bond for WWTP, Board Minutes, June 21,
FAST Report to NYS DEC on Significant Industrial Users, November
6, 2021.
FAST Report to NYS DEC on Significant Industrial Users, October
30, 2020.
FAST Report to NYS DEC on Significant Industrial Users, October
22, 2019.
of Bath SEQR Resolution for WWTP Upgrades, Board Minutes, January
16, 2018.
Hauler Records, October 2015.
Permit under 6 NYCRR 750: SPDES Permit No. NY0021431, DEC No.
8-4624-00006-00001, effective 07/01/07, modified 10/31/08, expiration
for Renewal Permit, dated March 2012, Significant
Industrial Users, p. 7.
Annual Inspection Report, dated August 1, 2012.
EPA Domestic Sludge Report, dated February 7, 2012.
2012 NPDES Discharge Monitoring Report, dated 09/25/12.
Bay Nutrient Requirements Report, dated August 2009.
The minutes
of the May 1, 2012, joint meeting of the Municipal Utility
Commission of the Village of Bath and the Village of Bath Board
of Trustees state that, "The MUC also addressed Steuben County
Department of Public Works request to modify their SIU agreement
to include leachate from Casella Waste Systems Hyland Landfill
in Angelica, the Bath Transfer Station, and Casella Ontario County
Landfill. The County has determined the leachate from these facilities
are compatible with their pre-treatment process and will not change
the daily flows established in the Industrial User Permit. Motion
by Commissioner Sweet and seconded by Commissioner Bonicave to
approve this modification request. Passed unanimously."
Industrial User Permits Issued by the Village of Bath to the
Steuben County Leachate Pre-treatment Plant
Media Coverage
Bath wastewater plant took in too much sewage, by Jeffery Smith, The
Corning Leader, September 20 2015.
wastewater treatment upgrades may begin soon, by Jeffery Smith, The
Corning Leader, August 24, 2015.
Other Materials
of Bath Annual Water Quality Report, 2020.
of Bath Annual Water Quality Report, 2018.
of Bath Annual Water Quality Report, 2016.
of Bath Annual Water Quality Report, 2011.
of Bath Sewer Use Law (PDF).