Court Rulings and Filings in Sierra Club,
et al. v. Village of Painted Post, et al.
Appellate Division, Fourth Department, 202/14, CA 13-015582015,
on remittitur from the Court of Appeals
December 31, 2015.
New York Court of Appeals, APL 2014-00266
2015 NY Slip Op 08452, November 19, 2015, 26 N.Y.3d 301 (2015).
Oral Argument heard October 13, 2015. Webcast and transcript posted
Gas Free Seneca, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., New
York Public Interest Research Group, Inc., Riverkeeper, Inc., Scenic
Hudson, Inc., and Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc., Amicus
Brief, September 28, 2015.
Railroads of New York, Amicus
Brief, September 21, 2015.
New York Conference of Mayors, Amicus
Brief, September 9, 2015.
Petitioners-Appellants' Reply
Brief, May 15, 2015.
Respondents' Brief,
March 19, 2015.
Petitioners-Appellants' Initial
Brief, December 22, 2014.
Record on Appeal, Volume
1 and Volume
2, December 22, 2014.
for Leave to Appeal granted, October 23, 2014.
Respondents' Statement in
Opposition to Motion for Leave to Appeal, August 7, 2014.
Petitioners' Motion
for Leave to Appeal, July 17, 2014.
Appellate Division, Fourth Department, Docket No. CA 13-01558
of Fourth Department denying Petitioner's Motion for Reargument
or Leave to Appeal to the Court of Appeals.
Petitioner's Motion for Reargument or Leave to Appeal to the Court
of Appeals, April 29, 2014.
Division decision, March 28, 2014.
Community Watersheds Clean Water
Coalition Amicus Brief, filed January 10, 2014.
New York
Conference of Mayors Amicus Brief, filed January 6, 2014.
Reply Brief, filed December 24, 2013.
and Natural Resources Defense Council Amicus Brief, filed
December 20, 2013.
Orders granting motions of the New York State Conference of Mayors,
Croton Watershed Clean Water Coalition, the Natural Resources Defense
Council and Riverkeeper for permission to file briefs amicus curiae
and giving them until January 10, 2014 to do so.
Order giving appellants until December 24, 2013 to file their
reply brief. December 9, 2013.
Motion for extension of time to file Appellants' reply brief,
November 22, 2013.
Brief for Petitioners,
filed November 21, 2013.
for Leave to File Memorandum of Law as Amicus Curiae, Croton
Watershed Clean Water Coalition, October 25, 2013.
for Leave to File a Brief Amicus Curiae, with amended attorney
affirmation, New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal
Officials, October 23, 2013.
Order giving
Petitioners-Respondents until November 21, 2013, to file their
brief. October 21, 2013.
for Leave to File a Brief Amicus Curiae, New York State Conference
of Mayors and Municipal Officials, October 17, 2013.
Motion for Extension of Time to File Petitioners-Respondents'
Brief, Sierra Club et al., September 27, 2013.
Order, Appellate Division, Fourth Department, September 18,
Brief for
Respondents-Appellants, Village of Painted Post, Painted
Post Development, LLC, SWEPI LP, September 5, 2013.
of Appeal, filed April 22, 2013, by respondents Village of
Painted Post, Painted Post Development LLC and SWEPI, LP.
Supreme Court, Steuben County Index No. 2012-0810
Decision by
Judge Kenneth Fisher, issued March 25, 2013.
Memorandum of
law and supporting affidavits, filed Feb. 22, 2013, by respondents
Village of Painted Post, Painted Post Development LLC and SWEPI,
of law, filed Feb. 21, 2013, by respondent Wellsboro & Corning
of motion to file amicus memorandum of law and draft memo,
filed Feb. 14, 2013, by the Croton Watershed Clean Water Coalition.
Memorandum of
law and supporting affidavits, including affidavits of hydrogeologic
expert, Paul Rubin, filed January 28, 2013, by petitioners.
of motion to dismiss and/or for summary judgment and memorandum
of law, filed October 10, 2012, by respondent Wellsboro & Corning
answer, filed Sept. 10, 2012, by respondent Wellsboro & Corning
Verified answer and motion
to dismiss and/or for summary judgment with supporting documents,
filed Aug. 3, 2012, by respondents Village of Painted Post, Painted
Post Development LLC and SWEPI, LP.
petition and order
to show cause in Sierra Club et at., v. Village of Painted
Post, et al., filed June 25, 2012, Index No. 2012-0810.
Materials on the Hydrogeology of the Corning
River Valley Water Study, Town of Erwin, Town of Corning,
City of Corning, Village of Painted Post, and Village of Riverside,
prepared for the Town of Erwin by Stearns and Wheler, LLC and
Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc., September 2002. Download
2.7 MB PDF of the report without the four 11x17 figure pages.
Download 11x17 figure pages individually:
Fig. 3-1,
Well Locations Study Area
Fig. 6-1,
Map Showing Finite Difference Grid and Boundary Conditions
Fig. 6-2, Comparison of Simulated
Water Table Maps between CAAM02 and CAAM88
Fig. 6-3, Location of Calibrated
Flow Model of the Corning, New York Area, Paula Ballaron,
Susquehanna River Basin Commission, March 1988. Download
3 MB PDF of the report without the six 11x17 figure pages.
Download 11x17 figure pages individually:
Page 18, Figure
4. Traces of Geologic Sections
Page 42, Figure
12. Map Showing Finite-Difference Grid and Boundaries of the Model
Page 77, Figure
21. Map Showing Calculated Water Level Contours in Layer 1 for
Average Conditions
Page 87, Figure
23, Map Showing Calculated Water Level Contours in Layer 1 for
Average Conditions with No Pumping Wells
Page 91, Figure
24. Map Showing Calculated Water Level Contours in Layer 1 for
Hypothetical Drought Conditions
Page 103, Figure
1. Map Showing Location of Selected Wells and Staff Gages in the
Corning Area
Corning Aquifer, Stephanie Trump, Hydrogeology Term Project,
Emporia State University, 2009.
Aquifer System, Valley-Fill Glacial Aquifers (featuring the Corning
Aquifer), USGS, Ground Water Atlas of the United States,
HA 730-M, Illustrations.
of Valley-Fill Aquifers and Adjacent Areas in Eastern Chemung
County, New York, Paul M. Heisig, USGS Scientific Investigations
Report 2015-5092, 2015.
Showing Primary Aquifers in New York, Figure 2.1, Alpha Geoscience,
Revised Draft SGEIS 2011, Page 2-21.
Resources and Natural Gas Production from the Marcellus Shale,
Daniel J. Soeder and William M. Kappel, Fact Sheet 2009–3032,
USGS, 2009.
"Many regional and local water management agencies are concerned
about where such large volumes of water [for gas drilling and hydraulic
fracturing] will be obtained, and what the possible consequences
might be for local water supplies. Under drought conditions, or
in locations with already stressed water supplies, obtaining the
millions of gallons needed for a shale gas well could be problematic."
Quality in the Chemung River Basin, New York, 2008, by Amy
J. Risen and James E. Reddy, USGS in cooperation with NYS DEC,
Open-File Report 2011-2012, 2004.
Quality in the Chemung River Basin, New York, 2003, by Kari
Hetcher-Aguila, USGS, Open-File Report 2004-1329, 2004.
Quality Strategy for Steuben County, Steuben County Water
Quality Coordinating Committee, April 2009.
Southern Tier Groundwater Critical Recharge Area Project, Final
Report, Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development
Board, June 1985.

Fig. 5, Steuben County Aquifers, Water
Quality Strategy for Steuben County,
Steuben County Water Quality Coordinating Committee, April 2009,
p. 29.

The Corning aquifer is the only aquifer in the upper
half of the Susquehanna River Basin that has been declared a “Potentially
Stressed Area” by the SRBC. “Potentially Stressed Areas” are
defined as “areas in the basin where the utilization of groundwater
resources is potentially approaching or has exceeded the sustainable
limit of the resources.” See Appendix 3 of the SRBC's Comprehensive
Plan for the Water Resources of the Susquehanna River Basin, ,
p.95. Click
here for map.
Foundry Site Plans
from Ingersoll-Rand to Painted Post Development, LLC, recorded
in the Steuben County Clerk's Office, Book 1988, Page 10, Dec.
1, 2005.
from Painted Post Development, LLC to Ingersoll-Rand, recorded
in the Steuben County Clerk's Office, Book 2540, Page 337, Dec.
1, 2005.
Work Plan for the Former Ingersoll Rand Foundry Site (Appendix
D to the Deed), Malcolm-Pirnie, August 2005.
Map of Dresser Rand Painted Post Foundry Site, Hunt Engineering,
April 15, 2004.
Objections of
Ingersoll-Rand Company to Village of Painted Post Condemnation
of the Ingersoll-Rand Foundry Property, Phillips Lytle LLP,
March 31, 2004.

Boring and Monitoring Well Locations at the former
Ingersoll Rand Foundry Site in 2004
as shown in Fig. 2.1 of the Malcolm-Pirnie Remedial
Work Plan
Water Withdrawal Permits and Approvals
Permits Issued by the State of New York to the Village of Painted
of Painted Post Village Water System, Stearns & Wheler,
Water Supply Contact Information, Steuben County, NYS Department
of Health , Sept. 15, 2015.
Village of Painted Post receives approval from NYS Water
Supply Commission to build a municipal water system. Scan
of decision.
NYS Department of Conservation Water Power and Control
Commission approves an additional source of water supply
for the village water system. Scan
of decision.
NYS Department of Conservation Water Power and Control
Commission approves an additional source of water supply
for the village water system. Scan
of decision.
NYS Department of Conservation Water Power and Control
Commission approves an additional source of water supply
for the village water system. Scan
of decision.
NYS Department of Conservation Water Power and Control
Commission approves an additional source of water supply
for the village water system.. Scan
of decision.
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation approves
an additional source of water supply for the village water
system. Scan
of decision.
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation approves
an extension of the permissive service area of the village
water system to the Howard Johnson restaurant in the Town
of Erwin. Scan
of decision.
DEC and DOH Registered Users in the Corning
DEC database of water users with the capacity to withdraw 100,000
gallons per day or more. Database
displays as map on Google Earth . Zoom in to view users in
the Corning aquifer.
Map showing
major wells in the aquifer, Fig. 3-1 from Chemung River Valley
Water Study, prepared for the Town of Erwin by Stearns and Wheler,
LLC and Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc., September 2002. Click
here for study without figures. Click
here for Fig. 3-1.
water supply systems in Steuben County registered with
the New York State Department of Health.
Economic Development Plans
Eyes K-Mart site in Gang Mills for Hampton Inn, Jeffery Smith
, Corning Leader, Mar. 13, 2012.
for the Future - A Report for the Village of Painted Post and
the Town of Erwin: Shared Services / Consolidation Options for
the Village and Town, Prepared for the Village Board of Trustees
by the Village of Painted Post and Town of Erwin Study Committee
by Charles Zettek Jr., Project Director and Vicki Brown, Project
Manager, December 2011.
Action Plan, An Ecosystem-Based Watershed Management Plan for
Susquehanna and Chemung Basins of New York, Southern Tier Regional
Planning, on-going.
Implementation of $285,000
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA, Recovery Act or
Stimulus) 604(b) award made by NYSDEC to Southern Tier Central
Regional Planning & Development Board for Water Quality Management
Planning: Develop a regional action plan for the Chemung
and Susquehanna river basins for ecosystem based watershed management.
County Economic Development Plan, 2011-2013, Steuben County
Tier's Approach to Economic Growth , Regional Economic Development
Council of the Southern Tier, Nov. 2011.
Community Projects, NYS Depart. of State, Office of Communities
and Waterfronts, Region 8 - Southern Tier, Town of Erwin, Villages
of Painted Post/Riverside - Step 2
The Town of Erwin will complete a Nomination for an approximately
494-acre area characterized by 22 potential brownfield sites that
are located at the interchange of Interstates 99 and 86. The primary
objectives include cleaning-up and ensuring compatible reuse of
brownfields and other vacant land and creating long-term employment
Opportunity Area, Step 2, Nomination Study, prepared for
the Town of Erwin, the Village of Painted Post, and the Village
of Riverside by the Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development
Board, Peter J. Smith & Co., Hunt Architects, Engineers and
Surveyors, No Date
Page 24. The river was a developmental asset before the 1940’s
because it was used for transportation of goods and people; now
the practical feature of the River is in water availability to
Page 35. Water
All properties within the BOA are served by Village of Painted
Post public water. The Village of Painted Post uses three wells
to supply water: Well #2 has a capacity of 500 gallons per minute
(GPM), Well #3 pumps about 500 GPM (capacity is 750 GPM) and Well
#4 is permitted at 1000 GPM though pumps from 800 to 900 GPM on
average. They were constructed in 1941, 1956 and 1975 respectively.
The Village also has two water storage tanks: a 1.5 million gallon
tank on Reservoir Road and a 50,000 gallon tank to on West Hill
Terrace. The distribution system is adequate to provide water to
customers. The Village of Riverside is served by the Village of
Painted Post with back-up interconnection with the City of Corning.
Painted Post serves the Town of Erwin to the Victory Highway Wesleyan
Church on Route 415 though it is expected that the Coopers Plains
Water District project will be complete by the end of 2009, providing
water to the Erwin BOA and beyond from the Morningside Heights
wells in Gang Mills. However, the new water service will be interconnected
with Painted Post as emergency back-up.
In the fall of 2002 the City of Corning, Village of Painted Post,
Village of Riverside, Town of Erwin, and the Town of Corning undertook
the Valley Water Supply Study to identify cost effective ways of
providing water service throughout the communities, to explore
new administrative options, and to create a Drought Management
Plan to protect critical drinking water and industrial needs during
dry seasons such as the one experienced in 1999-2001.
Results of the study show a long term advantage to the communities
to consider new ways to provide water to the Chemung Valley. The
oversight committee continued to study the matter. Most recently,
with the economic downturn, interest in shared services has increased
and the idea of a regional water supply system may become a priority
Corridor Economic Development Blueprint, Three Rivers Development
Corporation, June 2009, 40.51 mb
Plan shows possible sites for development,
by Bob Recotta, Corning Leader, Jun 26, 2009.
Three Rivers officials rolled out its Economic Development Blueprint
Thursday encompassing seven municipalities that border the Interstate
Highway 86/99 corridor. The 43-page document identifies 16 areas
along the corridor that would be suitable for future development
for manufacturing, retail, tourism, business and commercial uses.
The study was driven by the $400 million federal and state governments
have spent on interstate highway projects in our area, said Jack
Benjamin, president of Three Rivers Development Corp., which spearheaded
the study. “The rationale was to put together a plan that
takes advantage of that investment,” Benjamin said. “Our
access to two interstates presents an unusual opportunity. Businesses
want to be located near exits.” In addition to the interstates,
Whit Smith , of Corning Inc., said the existing railway system
also makes this corner of the county desirable to industry looking
to expand or relocate. “The natural railway rights of way
are huge as far as attracting industry,” Smith said. Benjamin
said the blueprint will be used to attract new business. “The
end game is, not only do we have a plan for the interstate, we
have a marketing tool for southeast Steuben County for the next
10 to 15 years,” Benjamin said.
Study for the Erwin/Painted Post/Riverside Brownfield Opportunity
Area, prepared for the Town of Erwin, the Village of Painted
Post, and the Village of Riverside by the Southern Tier Central
Regional Planning & Development Board, March 2009

Fig. 4 Priority Development Sites from I-86/I-99
Corridor Economic Development Blueprint,
Three Rivers Development Corporation, June 2009. Note how the development
overlay the Corning aquifer. See aquifer map above.
Media Coverage of Painted Post Withdrawals
and Related Issues
02/28/16 |
Evaluating Impacts of Bulk Water Sales on the Corning Aquifer,
contains links to videos and slides from presentations at Feb.
27 forum, New
York Water Blog. |
02/27/16 |
Neighbors Gather in Corning for Public Forum on Water Sales,
Tanner Jubenville,WETM. |
02/27/16 |
County Residents Concerned About Safety of Drinking Water,
Tina Yadzani, Time Warner Cable News. |
02/26/16 |
Drinking water forum Saturday, Jeff Murray, Elmira
Star-Gazette. |
02/25/16 |
Forum to discuss impact of Painted Post water sales on aquifer,
Derrick Ek, Corning Leader. |
01/07/16 |
The People Win Over Shell in Fracking Water Withdrawal Case,
Sandra Steingraber, EcoWatch |
01/06/16 |
Post loses case over fracking water, Jeff Murray, Elmira
Star-Gazette. |
01/06/16 |
of Painted Post Loses Case Over Selling Water to Hydrofracking
Company, Megan Zhang,TWC News. |
01/05/16 |
Water Sales On Hold In Painted Post: Court Halts Sale to
Fracking Company, George Kastenhuber, WETM |
01/04/16 |
Ruling halts Painted Post bulk water sales, Derrick
Ek, Steuben Courier-Advocate |
12/10/15 |
Court of Appeals – Challenged Government Action: Sierra
Club et al. v. Village of Painted Post, et al., Daily
Record |
11/30/15 |
court ruling in Painted Post water case, Jeff Murray, Elmira
Star-Gazette. |
11/24/15 |
favors Painted Post water sales opponents, Derrick Ek, Corning
Leader |
11/23/15 |
New York’s highest court reaffirms rights of environmental
plaintiffs, John Parker and Misti Duvall, Riverkeeper
Docket |
10/11/15 |
the leak in NY’s environmental law, Peter Mantius,Corning
Leader, p. A4 |
10/11/15 |
highest court to weigh Painted Post bulk water sales,
Derrick Ek, Corning Leader, p. A1 |
06/30/15 |
set in Painted Post water case, Steuben Courier Advocate |
04/07/15 |
Post officials: Water sales pay off, Jeffrey Smith ,Corning
Leader, p. A1 |
04/05/15 |
set to drop in Painted Post, Jeffrey Smith ,Corning
Leader, p. A1 |
10/29/14 |
York State Allows Water Grab, Peter Mantius, DC Bureau |
10/24/14 |
highest court to hear Painted Post water sale case, Derrick
Ek, Corning Leader, p. A1 |
04/09/14 |
word yet on resuming Painted Post water sales, Corning
Leader |
04/02/14 |
tosses fracking water lawsuit, Jeremy Moule, Rochester
City Newspaper |
04/01/14 |
ruling clears way for Painted Post water sales to resume,
Derrick Ek, Corning Leader |
02/21/14 |
litigate sale of water for fracking, Associated Press, The
Tribune-Review |
02/20/14 |
Post water sales appeal in court Monday, Corning
Leader |
10/08/13 |
will hear Painted Post water sale appeal in February,
Derrick Ek, Corning Leader, p. A1 |
06/16/13 |
fracking spreads to drought areas, Associated Press, Corning
Leader |
05/14/13 |
ruling in Painted Post water sales to be appealed, Derrick
Ek, Corning Leader, p. A1 |
04/22/13 |
woman's plan to sell water for fracking meets resistance,
Jeffrey Smith , Corning Leader, p. A1 |
04/05/13 |
facility to sell drilling water planned in Lindley, Jeffrey
Smith , Corning Leader, p. A1 |
03/31/13 |
Ruling Protects Corning Aquifer, Peter Mantius, Corning
Leader |
03/28/13 |
unsure of village’s next move on water deal, Derrick
Ek, Corning Leader |
03/28/13 |
water sale operation in Painted Post put on hold, Crystal
Cranmore, YNN |
03/26/13 |
voids Southern Tier village's water sales , Jeremy Moule, Rochester
City Newspaper |
03/26/13 |
Judge Tells Pa. Frackers: This Ain’t “Chinatown”,
Chip Northrup, No Fracking Way Blog |
03/26/13 |
Environmental Review Needed Before P.P. Drilling Water Sales
Continue, Shannon Lins, WETM |
03/26/13 |
halts Painted Post water sales, Derrick Ek, Corning
Leader, p. A1 |
03/02/13 |
Judge Hears
Case, To Rule Soon (PDF), Derrick Ek, Corning Leader,
p. A1 |
03/02/13 |
opposes possible water sale deal, David Andreatta, Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle.
03/01/13 |
rally outside Hall of Justice over fracking lawsuit, WHEC
Rochester. |
03/01/13 |
Tier water case with fracking ties in court today, Jeffrey
Moule, Rochester City Newspaper |
02/10/13 |
Post Board to Discuss What's Next (PDF), Jeffrey Smith
, Corning Leader, p. A1 |
01/30/13 |
set for Painted Post water lawsuit, Derrick Ek, Corning
Leader, p. A1 |
12/26/12 |
shortage stopping growth in Tioga County, Cheryl R. Clarke, Williamsport
Sun-Gazette |
12/13/12 |
Future Debated at Packed Forum, Derrick Ek, Corning
Leader, p. A1 |
10/05/12 |
Post lawsuit moves to different court, Derrick Ek, Corning
Leader |
10/05/12 |
no longer running at night, Painted Post residents say,
Jeffrey Smith , Corning Leader |
09/15/12 |
Post fracking rally: Residents, activists join forces ,
Jeffrey Smith , Corning Leader |
09/11/12 |
Weary of Night Trains (PDF), Jeffrey Smith , Corning
Leader |
09/10/12 |
Eyes Uses for Water Sales Funds (PDF), Jeffrey Smith
, Corning Leader |
08/26/12 |
Post Water Sales: Late Trains Rattle Residents (PDF),
Jeffrey Smith , Corning Leader |
07/23/12 |
on Water Sales Lawsuit Delayed, Derreck Ek, Corning
Leader |
07/12/12 |
Painted Post Water Sales? It’s Not Likely (PDF),
Bob Rolfe, Corning Leader |
07/10/12 |
Post faces lawsuit over water project: Sierra Club, others
want to village to conduct new environmental review,
Ray Finger, Elmira Star-Gazette |
07/10/12 |
Post hires attorney in water suit, Jeffrey Smith , Corning
Leader |
07/06/12 |
Post Water Lawsuit, Walter Smith -Randolph, WENY
TV |
07/06/12 |
Filed Against PP Bulk Water Sale Project (PDF), Derrick
Ek, Corning Leader |
07/05/12 |
Filed Over Water Exports to Gas Industry , Stacey Minchin, WETM
TV |
06/14/12 |
Station on Track to Be Complete by End of July, Jeffrey Smith
(PDF), Corning Leader |
06/11/12 |
Water Sale Cause
for Concern (PDF), Mary Finneran, Letter to the Editor, Corning
Leader |
06/07/12 |
Sales to Fracking Industry Stopped in Southern Ohio,
Buckeye Forest Council, |
06/04/12 |
Seek Permits for River Water (PDF), Leader Staff, Corning
Leader |
06/02/12 |
of billions of gallons of water from the earth ’s surface
arouses new opposition to fracking, Bob Downing, Akron
Beacon Journal |
05/04/12 |
Real Cost of Water Sales (PDF), David Peris, Letter to
the Editor, Corning Leader |
05/03/12 |
Under Way on Water Loading Facility (PDF), Jeffrey Smith
, Corning Leader |
05/01/12 |
of Painted Post could earn $4M selling water, Jeffrey
Smith , Corning Leader |
04/30/12 |
much is Painted Post water worth ? Officials aren’t
telling, but expert says public has right to know, Jeffrey
Smith , Corning Leader |
03/26/12 |
of Painted Post Set to Sell Water, YNN |
03/24/12 |
to sell water for drilling, Corning Leader |
03/17/12 |
water export: Whose water? Whose rights?, Rachel Treichler
and Mark Schlechter, Steuben Courier Advocate |
03/12/12 |
sale: Municipal water rights, Bobby Magill, Fort
Collins Coloradoan |
02/23/12 |
Post to Sell Surplus Water, Bobby Brooks, WETM TV |
02/08/12 |
Painted Post Water Loading Site Will Try To "Blend In," Chris
Hush, WETM TV |
02/07/12 |
Post facility may break ground in March, Jeffrey Smith
, Corning Leader |
01/31/12 |
Post water deal moves forward: Village could sell 1 million
gallons daily,
Jeffrey Smith , Corning Leader |
01/27/12 |
Let Drillers Tap our Water (PDF), Jean Wosinski, Guest
View, Corning Leader, p. 4A |
09/21/11 |
officials briefed on water withdrawals, gas drilling issues,
Derrick Ek, Corning Leader |
09/15/11 |
to Sell Water Moves Ahead (PDF), Jeffrey Smith , Corning
Leader, p. 1A |
09/14/11 |
City Water a Good Idea (PDF), Editorial, Corning
Leader, p. 4A |
09/12/11 |
in Talks to Sell Water for Drilling (PDF), Jeffrey Smith
, Corning Leader, p. 2A |
08/05/11 |
Sale Plan Raises Concerns (PDF), Frances Mikolajczak,
Letter to the Editor, Corning Leader |
07/29/11 |
Are Legislators Thinking? (PDF), Virginia Wright, Letter
to the Editor, Corning Leader |
07/27/11 |
Post closes in on deal to sell water for fracking, Corning
Leader |
07/12/11 |
Painted Post Fracking
Water Deal Progresses (PDF), Jeffrey Smith , Corning
Leader, p. 2A |
06/29/11 |
Hired for PP Depot: Water Facility Would Supply Gas Drillers
(PDF), Jeffrey Smith , Corning Leader, p. 1A |
06/23/11 |
to Mull Proposal for Water Depot (PDF), Jeffrey Smith
, Corning Leader |
05/16/11 |
about Selling Water (PDF), Frank Anastasio, Letter to
the Editor, Corning Leader |
05/10/11 |
Selling water a good idea for city, by Leader Staff, Corning
Leader |
05/08/11 |
Considers Selling Water: News of Painted Post Plan Has Corning
Interested (PDF), Corning Leader, p. 1A. |
04/25/11 |
would be shipped to Pa. for use in fracking, Jeff Murray, Binghamton
Press and Sun Bulletin |
04/21/11 |
Your Voice Be Heard Now (PDF), Corning Leader editorial,
p. 4A. |
04/17/11 |
station could help Painted Post cash in on fracking,
Derrick Ek, Corning Leader |