NYS DEC Air Permit Proceedings 2016-2021, Torrey
Reconsiders Site Plan 2021, Yates
County Site Plan Review 2021, Torrey
Lawsuit 2020, Torrey
Site Plan Reviews 2019-2020, NYS PSC Proceedings 2019-2020, NYS
DEC Lawsuits 2016-2019, NYS PCS Proceedings
2015-2016, NYS DEC Water Permit Materials
2010-2021, Media
Greenidge Permits to Install Fish Screen Protections on Its Water
Intake Pipe
On August 17, 2022, DEC
announced that Greenidge had applied for two permits, an Article
15 Title 5 Excavation & Fill in Navigable Waters and a Section
401 - Clean Water Act Water Quality Certification. Comments are
due very soon on Wednesday, September 1, 2022. The applications
are to enable Greenidge to install cylindrical wedge wire intake
screens (CWWS) at the Facility's existing cooling water intake
structure and to repair the intake structure. The installation
of the CWSS is a requirement of the Facility's SPDES permit. Peter
Mantius has posted the
excavation and fill application in his article about the installations, Will
Greenidge Face Any Consequences For Missing Its Oct. 1 Deadline
to Install Screens on Its Huge Water Intake Pipe? DEC has not
yet responded to other requests for copies of the application materials,
the Negative SEQRA Declaration and the dredging test well report.
Greenidge SPDES Permit Renewal in Progress
The expiration date of the most recent Greenidge SPDES permit is
September 30, 2022. Greenidge filed its application
to renew the SPDES permit on January 22, 2022. Two key conditions
of the permit have not yet been implemented:
1.The Thermal Criteria Study was
filed August 2022 one month before the expiration date of the permit. The
study states, "The GGF thermal discharge was found to meet most of
the relevant criteria throughout the year, however there were some
criteria that were not met at all times:
When criteria are not met an additional study to demonstrate that the standard
is met may be
2. The final report for the Dilution
Study Workplan is not due until June 30, 2023.
NYS DEC Air Permit Proceedings 2016-2022
Letter to DEC Requesting Adjudicatory Hearing on the Denial of
the Air Permits, July 28, 2022.
Bitcoin Operation on Seneca Lake Loses its Bid for New Air Emissions
Permit, Jeopardizing its Future Operation, Peter Mantius, Waterfront
Online Blog, June 30, 2022.
Letter to Greenidge Denying Air Permits, June 30, 2022.
et al. Letter to EPA Responding to Greenidge’s Supplemental
Letter for Its Title V Application, April 20, 2022.
Supplemental Letter to DEC regarding Its Title V Application,
March 25, 2022.
Club, Earth Justice et al. comments on the draft permits, November
19, 2021.
Notice that DEC has determined that the Greenidge air permit applications
are complete and has issued a Type II SEQRA determination was posted
in the Environmental
Notice Bulletin, Region 8 Notices, Yates County, on September,
8, 2021. A more complete notice with links to permits and an extension
of the comment period is posted here.
Air Title V Permit, unsigned and undated.
Air Title IV Permit, unsigned and undated.
General Conditions for Greenidge Air Permits Renewals, unsigned
and undated.
Review Report, September 9, 2021.
Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) Assessment,
August 2, 2021.
of Incomplete Application, Greenidge Station, May 3, 2021.
Permit Renewal Application, March 5, 2021.
IV (Phase II Acid Rain) and Air Title V Facility Permits
Title IV (Phase II Acid Rain) Permit
Permit ID: 8-5736-00004/00016
Effective Date: 04/25/2019 Expiration Date: 09/06/2021
Title V (Air) Facility Permit
Permit ID: 8-5736-00004/00017
Mod 0 Effective Date: 09/07/2016 Expiration Date: 09/06/2021
Mod 1 Effective Date: 04/25/2019 Expiration Date: 09/06/2021
Permit Review Report
Permit ID: 8-5736-00004/00017
Greenidge Compliance EPA CCR Closure of Coal Ash Pond 2022
Both Greenidge Generating Station, which has an onsite coal
ash pond and Lockwood Coal Ash Landfill are required to comply
with EPA's Coal Ash Residual (CCR) requirements. On January 11,
2022, EPA issued an interim decision requiring Greenidge to close
its coal ash storage pond. Comments on the interim decision are
due by February 23, 2022.
et al. Comment Letter to EPA on Interim Decision regarding Proposed
Date to Cease Receipt of Waste, February 23, 2022.
moves to crack down on dangerous coal ash storage ponds, Matthew
Daly/AP, NewsNation, January 11, 2022. "The Greenidge
Generation plant in Dresden, New York, was ruled ineligible for
an extension."
Interim Decision on Proposed Date to Cease Receipt of Waste for
Greenidge Generation LLC Based on Interim Ineligibility Determination,
January 11, 2022.
Facility Report for Greenidge Generation LLC, EPA's Envorcement
and Compliance History Online (ECHO).
Greenidge Generation LLC CCR
Rule Compliance Data and Information, website required by EPA
rules to be maintained by Greenidge. Contains the following documents:
103f Demonstration, November 30, 2020.
CCR Rule Initial Notifications, November 30, 2020.
Greenidge – Written
Closure Plan, November 2020.
System Certification, November 24, 2020.
Methods Certification, November 24, 2020.
Greenidge – C-Pond
Post-Closure Plan, November 2020.
Documentation Certification, November 20, 2020.
Restrictions Certification, November 16, 2020.
Dust Control Plan, November 2020.
2020 – Greenidge
CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, January 2021.
2021 – C-Pond
Closure Progress Report, November 29, 2021.
Greenidge Annual Dust Control Report, December 2021.
EPA Decision on Greenidge Part A Demonstration, January 11,
Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report,
January 2022.
Facility Report for Lockwood Hills Coal Ash Disposal Site,
EPA's Envorcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO).
Lockwood Hills LLC Combined
Coal Residuals (CCR) Rule Compliance Data and Information,
website required by EPA rules to be maintained by Lockwood.
Lockwood Coal Ash Landfill SPDES and Part 360 Permit Renewals
and renewed SPDES permit issued 5/18/22 effective 07/01/2022, expiration
letter on draft SPDES permit and Type II SEQRA determination,
submitted by Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, Seneca Lake Guardian,
the Committee to Preserve the Finger Lakes, Cayuga Lake Environmental
Action Now (CLEAN), South Shore Audubon, Stop the Algonquin Pipeline
Expansion, Grassroots Environmental Education, NYPAN Environmental
Committee, People for a Healthy Environment, Inc. and Fossil Free
Tompkins, January 7, 2022.
Click here for additiional materials
on the Lockwood permits. Lockwood Hills LLC, the owner of Lockwood
landfill, and Greenidge Generation LLC, the owner of Greenidge
Generating Station, are both subsidiaries of Greenidge Generation
Holdings Inc. For details of the corporate structure, see the Form
S-1 Registration Statement filed by Greenidge Holdings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 20, 2021.
Securities and Exchange Commission Filings
SEC Filings
posted on the Greenidge Investor Relations website.
See particularly Registration
Statement filed September 1, 2021.
Town of Torrey Planning Board Reconsiders
Its Site Plan Review
Site Plan Approval Resolution, approved by the Town of Torrey
Planning Board, April 19, 2021.
EAF Part
3, approved by the Town of Torrey Planning Board, April 19,
EAF Part
2, approved by the Town of Torrey Planning Board, April 19,
EAF Part 1, prepared
by Greenidge Generation, August 17, 2020.
Yates County Planning Board Review of
Data Center Expansion
County Planning Board Decision recommending denial of Greenidge
Site Plan, January 28, 2021.
Court Filings in Sierra Club et al.
v. Town of Torrey et al., challenging Town's Site Plan Approval
for Data Center Expansion Project
Yates County Supreme Court, Index No. 2020-5198
Decision, April 7, 2022.
Article 78 Petition filed December 17, 2020. Case filings linked on
Court website.
Town of Torrey Planning Board Site Plan
Review of Data Center Project 2019-2020

Proposed Data Center Expansion
of Torrey Planning Board Final SEQRA Determination, November
16, 2020.
Club Atlantic Chapter comments to Town of Torrey Planning Board
on Conditioned Negative Declaration, November 6, 2020.
to Preserve the Finger Lakes comments to Town of Torrey Planning
Board on Conditioned Negative Declaration, November 5, 2020.
Let Greenidge Gear Up Its Bitcoin Mining Facility, Sierra Club
Atlantic Chapter Action Alert, October 31, 2020.
to Preserve the Finger Lakes report on Town of Torrey Planning
Board Meeting, October 12, 2020.
of 30-Day Comment Period on Conditioned Negative Declaration for
Greenidge Expansion Plan, Environmental Notice Bulletin,
October 7, 2020.
Part 2 and Part 3 approved by the Town of Torrey Planning Board,
September 23, 2020.
of Planning Board Meeting on September 21, 2020.
from the Committee to Preserve the Finger Lakes to the Planning
Board about temperature measurements in the Keuka Outlet, September
17, 2020.
Noise Assessment, Aurora Acoustical Consultants, undated.
Part 1 filed by Greenidge Generation LLC, June 30, 2020.
for Site Plan Review filed by Greenidge Generation LLC, June
30, 2020.
of Planning Board Meeting on October 14, 2019.
EAF Part 2 and
Part 3 approved by the Planning Board on October 14, 2019.
Part 1 filed by Greenidge Generation LLC, June 27, 2019.
Media Coverage of Greenidge Issues 2015 - 2021
Click here for list of
media coverage of issues with Greenidge Generating Station.

Greenidge Cooling Water Intake Pipe in Seneca Lake
Public Service Commission Proceedings on Greenidge
Data Center Operations 2019-2020
Declaratory Ruling on Greenidge Petitions, June 11, 2020.
Case No. 20-E-0044, Petition
of Greenidge Generation LLC for a Declaratory Ruling Concerning
the Furnishing and/or Sale of Unmetered Electric Power to Tenants
Leasing Space at the Greenidge Site and Alternate Petition for
Amendment of Its Section 68 Certificate to Permit such Furnishing
and/or Sales, January 28, 2020.
Case No. 19-E-0718, Petition
of Greenidge Generation LLC for a Declaratory Ruling Regarding
Jurisdiction and Continued Application of Lightened Regulation,
November 7, 2019.
Court Filings Lawsuits Challenging Issuance of Permits
for Greenidge Restart Project by NYS DEC 2016-2019
Click here for links
to court filings.
Public Service Commission Proceedings on Repowering
Greenidge Station 2015-2016
Cases 15-E-0516, 15-G-0571 and 15-T-0586
Denying Rehearing, December 15, 2016.
to Rehearing Request, filed October 31, 2016.
for Rehearing in Cases 15-E-0516 and 15-G-0571, filed October
17, 2016.
Concerning Party Status Requests, December 28, 2015.
comments filed by the Committee to Preserve the Finger Lakes,
November 23, 2015.
filed in support of party status application by the Commitee to
Preserve the Finger Lakes, November 9, 2015.
Case No. 15-E-0516, Petition
of Greenidge Generation LLC for an Original Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity and Lightened Regulation, September
10, 2015.
Case No. 15-G-0571, Petition
of Greenidge Pipeline LLC and Greenidge Pipeline Properties Corporation
for an Expedited Original Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity and for Incidental or Lightened Regulation, September
24, 2015.
Case No. 15-T-0586, Application
by Greenidge Pipeline LLC; Greenidge Pipeline Properties Corporation
to Construct a Fuel Gas Transmission Line, Containing Approximately
24,318 Feet of 8" Steel Pipeline, Located in the Towns of
Milo and Torrey, Yates County, October 2, 2015.
New York State DEC Water Permit Materials 1977-2022
In reverse chronoligical order.
Thermal Study Final Interim Report, May 25, 2022.
Minimization 2021 Annual Report, March 2022.
SPDES Permit Renewal Application, January 22, 2022.
Minimization Program 2020 Annual Report, March 2021.
Discharge Study Plan, Revised December 2020.
Installation and Operation Plan, November 2020.
Letter approving Cylindrical Wedgewire Screen Pilot Study Final
Report, August 7, 2020.
Wedgewire Screen Pilot Study Final Report, April 27, 2020.
Monthly Discharge
Monitoring Reports for Outfall 1, (converted
to XLSX), January 2018 - July 2020.
Monthly Discharge
Monitoring Reports for Outfall 1A, (converted
to XLSX), January 2018 - July 2020.
Monthly Discharge
Monitoring Reports for Outfall 2, (converted
to XLSX), January 2018 - July 2020.
Wedgewire Screen Pilot Study Plan Progress Report, October
31, 2019.
Study Workplan, September 27, 2019.
SPDES Permit
Permit ID: NY-0001325
Mod 0 Effective Date: 10/01/2017 Expiration Date: 9/30/2022
Mod 1 Effective Date: 10/01/2019 Expiration Date: 9/30/2022
Wedgewire Screen (CWWS) Pilot Study Plan Progress Report, March
26, 2019.
Approval of Cylindrical Wedgewire Screen (CWWS) Pilot Study Plan,
April 2018.
Wedgewire Screen (CWWS) Pilot Study Plan, March 2018.
Discharge Study Work Plan, December 27, 2017.
Withdrawal Permit
Permit ID: 8-5736-00004/00015
Effective Date: 9/11/2017
Expiration Date: 9/30/2022
Permit Biological Fact Sheet - Cooling Water Intake Structure,
September 7, 2017.
Environmental Assessment Form, Part 2 (Identification of Potential
Project Impacts) and Part 3 (Amended Negative Declaration),
June 28, 2016.
Environmental Assessment Form, Part 1 for the Greenidge Station
SPDES Permit Modification, prepared by DEC as the Applicant,
June 16, 2015.
Water Withdrawal Permit
Application, May 28, 2013.
and Construction Technology Review, prepared for AES Greenidge
as a requirement of SPDES Permit # NY-0001325 by ASA Analysis & Communication,
Inc., Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture and Engineering,
P.C., HOR Engineering, Inc. and Burns Engineering Services, Inc.,
August, 2010.
AES Greenidge
Generation Station Impingement and Entrainment Characterization
Study, prepared by Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture
and Engineering, P.C. and HDR Engineering, Inc., April 29, 2010.
AES Greenidge
Generation Station 2006-2007 Finfish Community and Waterbody Studies,
prepared by Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture and
Engineering, P.C. and HDR Engineering, Inc., April 29, 2010.
for a Ground-Water Monitoring Program for Ash Ponds Located at
Greenidge, Hickling, and Jennison Generating Stations, prepared
for New York State Electric and Gas Corporation by Woodward-Clyde
Consultants, October 1985.
316(a) Demonstration for Greenidge Station, August 1977.