Updated February 12, 2022
West Virginia’s Chernobyl, Justin Nobel, TruthDig,
September 18, 2023.
Radioactive data map of 2016 Pa. DEP TENORM Study,
Public Herald, January 2022.
We Found The Names of Radioactive Waste Locations That Government
Kept Secret, Jake Conley, Public Herald Podcast, January 24,
Gov Vetoes Ban on Spreading Oil and Gas Waste on Roads, Sides with
Industry Over People, Food and Water Watch, January
4, 2022.
Moratorium, 2 Million Gallons Of Conventional Oil And Gas Waste
Spread On Pa. Roads Since 2018, by Reid Frazier, Allegheny
Front, December 20, 2021.
legislators are wrong to ignore danger of using waste from oil
and gas wells, by Bill Lyons, Susie Beiersdorfer, Kathie Jones
and Tish O'Dell, Akron Beacon Journal, October 15, 2021.
Senate Democratic Policy Committee Hears Support for Closing Hazardous
Waste Loopholes, September 30, 2021.
Panel 1: Experts
Dr. John Stolz, Duquesne University
Amy Mall, Natural Resources Defense Council
Report: A Hot Fracking Mess: How Weak Regulation of Oil And Gas
Production Leads to Radioactive Waste in our Water, Air, and Communities
Rebecca Franz, Chief Deputy Attorney General for Environmental
Crimes Section, Office of Pennsylvania Attorney General
Panel 2: Administration
Scott Perry, Deputy Secretary of the Office of Oil and Gas Management,
Department of Environmental Protection
Dave Allard, Director of the Bureau of Radiation Protection, Department
of Environmental Protection
Ray Barishansky, Written testimony submitted by the PA Dept. of
Panel 3: Investigative reporters
Joshua Pribanic, Public Herald
Melissa Troutman, Public Herald
Justin Nobel, Investigative Reporter, Rolling Stone
—Americas Radioactive Secret
—Mandatory Air Monitoring of TENORM Worker Inhalation Exposure from Gas
—NORM Contamination in the Petroleum Industry: An Analysis of the Impact
of the Regulation of “Radionuclides” as a Hazardous Air Pollutant
on the Petroleum Industry
Panel 4: Community Voices
Guy Kruppa, Belle Vernon, PA, sewage treatment plant operator
Veronica Coptis, Executive Director, Center for Coalfield Justice
Permanent Reactor” Fracking’s Radioactive Health Threat
to Ohio Will Last 1,600 Years Without Action, by Talia Wiener, Public
Herald Podcast, August 7, 2021.
Uncovers Ohio Is “Illegally” Building Radioactive Mountains,
Affecting 26 Waterways, by Talia Wiener, Public Herald
Podcast, July 31, 2021.
Under “Chief’s
Orders” Ohio Operates a Radioactive Industry Off the Record,
by Talia Wiener, Public Herald Podcast, July 30, 2021.
to require landfills to test for radioactivity from fracking waste:
Radium will now be tested in liquid waste leaving facilities,
Reid Frazier, StateImpact PA, July 26, 2021.
Oil and Gas Industry Produces Radioactive Waste. Lots of It,
A new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council confirms
Rolling Stone‘s bombshell investigation into the fossil fuel
industry’s waste problem, by Justin Nobel, Rolling Stone,
July 21, 2021.
Hot Fracking Mess: How the Lack of Regulation of Oil and Gas Production
Leads to Radioactive Waste in Our Water, Air, and Communities,
by Amy Mall & Bemnet Alemayehu, NRDC, July 21, 2021.
Is Building Mountains of Radioactive Fracking Waste & the One
in Joe Biden’s Hometown Is Under Criminal Investigation,
by Emma Lichtwardt and Joshua Boaz Pribanic, Public Herald
Podcast, June 1, 2021.
landfill proposing major expansion in Steuben County, by Peter
Mantius, FingerLakes1, March 4, 2021.
Landfill Plans to Expand by 50% After Court Dismisses Allegations
That It Downplayed Evidence of Radioactivity, Peter Mantius, Water
Front, March 3, 2021.
Radioactive Water: Officials Want to Ban Oil & Gas Injection
Wells at Pennsylvania Headwaters, by Sam Sanson, Public
Herald Podcast, March 1, 2021.
landfill neighbors frustrated, Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
January 7, 2021.
Only I Would’ve Known” Oil & Gas Whistleblowers
Speak Out About Exposure to Radioactivity on Fracking Jobs,
by Kristen Locy and Justin Nobel, Public Herald Podcast,
December 14, 2020.
Continues to Dodge Health Impacts from Oil & Gas Radiation,
Passes Study to the University of Pittsburgh, by Kristen Locy
and Joshua Pribanic, Public Herald Podcast, September
7, 2020.
Burke Blasts O’Mara for Voting Against Hazardous Waste Bill;
But Law May Not Block ‘Drill Cutting’ Imports,
by Peter Mantius, Water Front, August 7, 2020.
speak about fracking waste at landfill, by James Post, Steuben
Courier Advocate, August 6, 2020.
Signs Hazardous Waste Bill, Closing ‘Loophole’ Allowing
NY to Import Gas Drilling Wastes From Pennsylvania, by Peter
Mantius, Water Front, August 5, 2020.
Regulators Won’t Say Where 66% of Landfill Leachate w/ Radioactive
Material From Fracking is Going…”It’s Private,” by
Joshua Pribanic and Talia Wiener, Public Herald, August
5, 2020.
Club Lawsuit Alleging Dangerously High Levels of Radioactivity
at Hakes Landfill Is Dismissed by Steuben Judge, by Peter Mantius, Water
Front, August 3, 2020.
for Improper Radioactive Waste Disposal Highlights More Compliance
Concerns for Fracking Companies and Uranium Miners, by Paul
M. Bessette and Grant W. Eskelsen, Morgan Lewis Blog,
July 23, 2020.
Told Families Their Water Was Safe After Fracking, Now A Grand
Jury Says Crimes Were Committed, by Kristen Locy and Joshua
B. Pribanic, Public Herald, edited by Melissa Troutman,
June 29, 2020.
County landfill seeks to evaporate contaminated runoff, by
Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 23, 2020.
Releases From Landfill Flares Likely Expose Hakes Workers, Nearby
Residents; DEC Urged to Start Testing, by Peter Mantius, Water
Front, March 30, 2020.
Radium Analysis filed suit against Hakes Landfill Expansion,
Austin Evans, WETM, February 18, 2020.
Fines Landfill Near Pittsburgh For Problems Tied To Fracking Waste,
Reid Frazier, Allegheny Front, February 21, 2020.
groups submit data in lawsuit against Steuben Co. landfill expansion
project, Caitlin Murphy, WENY, February 18, 2020.
landfill accepted 2 million pounds of radioactive fracking waste
from North Dakota, by Laura Gunderson, The Oregonian/OregonLive,
February 13, 2020.
Approves Controversial Hakes Landfill Expansion, Waste360,
February 7, 2020.
American Petroleum Institute Report Warned Oil Workers Faced 'Significant'
Risks from Radioactivity, by Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog,
January 22, 2020.
Radioactive Secret: Oil-and-gas wells produce nearly a trillion
gallons of toxic waste a year, by Justin Nobel, Rolling
Stone, January 21, 2020.
residents' fears, state approves controversial expansion to Corning-area
landfill, Jeff Murray, Elmira Star-Gazette, January
10, 2020.
Allows Hakes Landfill to Expand; Critics Say It’s Highly
Radioactive and a Health Threat to Communities Downwind, by
Peter Mantius, Water Front, January 7, 2020.
State Rep. Drafts Bill to Stop Radioactive Fracking Waste (TENORM)
From Entering Public Waters, by Joshua B. Pribanic, Public
Herald, December 10, 2019.
Waste Could Be Killing Residents in Missouri Community, Austin
Price, Earth Island Journal, October 31, 2019.
Did Fracking Contaminants End Up in the Mon River? A Loophole in
the Law Might Be To Blame
Reid Frazier, Allegheny Front, September 11, 2019.
is Discharging Radioactive Fracking Waste Into Rivers As Landfill
Leachate, Impacting The Chesapeake Bay & Ohio River Watersheds,
by Joshua B. Pribanic and Talia Wiener, Public Herald,
August 7, 2019.
Radioactive Fracking Waste Gets in Pennsylvania Waterways,
data gathered by Public Herald from the PA DEP, Fractracker,
August 7, 2019.
Sierra Club
Atlantic Chapter Comments on Hakes Landfill permit Applications,
June 28, 2019.
DEC: Deny the Hakes Landfill Permit and Conduct an Adjudicatory
Hearing! Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, June 26, 2019.
Landfill’s Expansion Application Calls for New Limits on
Screening for Radionuclides and No Tests for Radon, by Peter
Mantius, Water Front, May 31, 2019.
sue over Steuben landfill expansion, claim hazards of fracking
waste ignored, by Jeff Murray, Elmira Star-Gazette,
April 10, 2019.
gets local approval for expanding C&D landfill with ongoing
radon concerns, Igor Geyn, WasteDive, March 11, 2019.
Issues Heat Up Again as Hakes Landfill Seeks More Room to Import
Pennsylvania Drilling Waste, by Peter Mantius, Water Front,
March 4, 2019.
road deicer rules under review by Ohio legislature; debate over
public safety continues, James F. McCarty, Cleveland Plain
Dealer, February 10, 2019.
Small Town’s Battle Against Radioactive Fracking Waste,
by Austyn Gaffney, NRDC, OnEarth, January 9, 2019.
of Ra226 & Ra228 Radioactivity in AquaSalina, Ohio Department
of Natural Resources, July 26, 2017.
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Hakes Landfill
expansion proposal, December 5, 2018.
Report: A Review
of Drill Cuttings Disposal at the Hakes C&D Landfill and Response
to Public Comments, Theodore E. Rahon, Ph.D., Certified Health
Physicist, CoPhysics Corporation, May 16, 2018.
Club Atlantic Chapter comments on Hakes Landfill DSEIS, March
19, 2018.
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Hakes Landfill
expansion proposal, January 10, 2018.
Issues for Disposal of Radium-bearing Wastes at Hakes Landfill,
slides of presentation by Dr. Raymond C. Vaughan, Sierra Club/CCAC
Public Meeting, Campbell, NY, February 10, 2018. Click
here for the video of the presentation.
of Radium Accumulation in Stream Sediments near Disposal Sites
in Pennsylvania: Implications for Disposal of Conventional Oil
and Gas Wastewater. Environ Sci Technol., Epub January 24,
2018 .
Overlooks Red Flags for Radioactivity in Landfill Leachate,
Peter Mantius, Water Front, January 23, 2018.
drilling waste responsible for radioactivity spike in rivers,
Reid Frazier, StateImpact PA, January 20, 2018.
Affidavits of Dr.
David O. Carpenter, Dr. Raymond C. Vaughan and Mr. Dustin May,
filed in Sierra Club v. NYS DEC, Steuben County Supreme
Court, Index No. E2017-1384CV, January 19, 2018.
from oil and gas wastewater persists in Pennsylvania stream sediments,
Press Release, Duke University, AAAS Eueka Alert!, January
19, 2018. "Radioactivity in sediments at three disposal sites
measured 650 times higher than normal."
Radioactivity? Hakes Landfill Wants More Fracking Waste Imports,
Peter Mantius, Water Front, January 12, 2018.
of Radium Accumulation in Stream Sediments Near Disposal Sites
in Pennsylvania: Implications for Disposal of Conventional Oil
and Gas Wastewater, Nancy Lauer, Nathaniel Warner, Avner Vengosh,
Environmental Science and Technology, January, 4, 2018.
Dangers of Fracking Waste: Is There Any Safe Way to Dispose of
It? by Wendell G Bradley, Counterpunch, December 8,
and BETX in Shale-oil and Shale-gas Exploration and Production
Wastes, Gradient Corporation, Memorandum to Pawnee Waste, LLC,
Oct. 3, 2017.
waste contaminates Penn. watershed with radioactive material,
Ed Schultz, RT, July 13, 2017.
Addendum to
2015 Report License
to Dump, Environmental Advocates, June 9, 2017.
finds additional radioactive materials in gas-well drill cuttings, ACS
News Service Weekly PressPac, December 21, 2016.
of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Drill Cuttings
from a Horizontal Drilling Operation, Eric S. Eitrheim, Dustin
May, Tori Z. Forbes, and Andrew W. Nelson, Environ. Sci. Technol.
Lett., 2016, 3 (12), pp 425–429, November 23, 2016.
Radioactive waste from West Lake Landfill detected in nearby home,
Russell Kinsaul, KMOV.com, November 15, 2016.
Fracking Waste Loophole Depends on O’Mara, Battered GOP,
Peter Mantius, DCBureau, October 1, 2016.
in upstate New York still accept fracking waste, Dan Clark, Politifact
New York, September 30, 2016.
Call for Ban on Fracking Waste Disposal in NY, Public News
Service, September 15, 2016.
Waste Found at Oil Field Landfill in North Dakota, Irina Slav, Oilprice.com, September
1, 2016.
Questions Arise About Radioactive Frack Waste Company, Public
News Service, July 7, 2016.
radioactive spill in U.S. history on Navajo Nation recalled,
Talli Nauman, Native Sun News, June 29, 2016.
EPA Proposals to Allow Higher Levels of Radiation in Drinking Water,
Christian Detisch, Food and Water Watch, June 29, 2016.
States Struggling to Manage Radioactive Fracking Waste, Jie
Jenny Zou, Ohio Valley ReSource, EcoWatch, June 26, 2016.
Radioactive Fracking Waste Wound Up Near Homes and Schools,
Glynis Board, Ohio Valley ReSource, EcoWatch, June 21,
produces tons of radioactive waste. What should we do with it? Jie
Jenny Zou, Grist, June 20, 2016.
mess: states struggle to deal with radioactive fracking waste,
by Jie Jenny Zou, Public Integrity Project, June 20, 2016.
on the Future of Waste Management in New York, video by David
Walczak, June 4, 2016.
Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) Study
Report, Revision 1, Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc.
report to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection,
May 18, 2016. Revision to 2015 TENORM Study report correcting errors
in the data tables, inconsistent use of significant figures, and
some typos. A version of the revised report showing the edits is
available here.
Study: Rivers Contaminated With Radium and Lead From Thousands
of Fracking Wastewater Spills, DeSmogBlog, May 9,
launches investigation into landfill case, Ricki Barker, Richmond
Register, March 18, 2016.
County executive to address radioactive fracking waste stored in
Belleville, Gus Burns, Mlive, February 9, 2016.
says radon gas migrating off of West Lake landfill, Jacob Barker, St.
Louis Post-Dispatch, December 30, 2015.
revives debate over risks of radiation from drilling waste, StateImpact
Pennsyvlania, Jon Hurdle, December 28, 2015.
blast state Department of Environmental Protection fracking study,
Kyle Bagenstose, Bucks County Courier Times, December
21, 2015.
of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Technologically
Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactivity Materials (TENORM) Study
Report, Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D., Radioactive Waste Management
Associates for Delaware Riverkeeper Network, December 2015.
out against and send comments on Radioactive Drilling Waste in
the Chemung County Landfill, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter,
November 30, 2015.
Western State Regulators Struggling
to Keep up with Radioactive Fracking and Drilling Waste: New Report,
Sharon Kelly, Desmog Blog, November 23, 2015.
Time to Waste: Effective Management of Oil & Gas Field Radioactive
Waste, Western Organization of Resource Councils, November
24, 2015.
Foes Fear Release of Radium in Wayne National Forest, Casey
Junkins, Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register, November
22, 2015
measured automatically in Swiss rivers, swissinfo.ch, November
17, 2015.
Legacy, Part 5 of a Journal Special Report: The Past as Prologue;
will lessons be learned? Rapid City Journal, November
1, 2015.
Continues to Wrestle with Radioactive Drilling Waste, Glynis
Board, W. Va. Public Broadcasting, September 17, 2015.
Creates Massive Radioactive Waste Problem, Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo,
September 1, 2015.
Disposal of WV Oil and Gas Waste: A Report Review, Bill Hughes,
WV Community Liason, FracTracker, August 18, 2015.
Facts about New York and Fracking Waste, Riverkeeper, 2015.
testing methods for radiation in Ten Mile Creek questioned,
Natasha Khan, Observer-Reporter, July 30, 2015
Levels of Radium Found in PA Stream Near Drinking Water Supply,
Stefanie Spear, EcoWatch, July 17, 2015.
would bring 400,000 tons of drilling waste to Pa.’s ‘Grand
Canyon, Marie Cusick, StateImpact PA, July 13, 2015.
of Leachate, Drill Cuttings and Related Environmental, Economic
and Technical Aspects Associated with Solid Waste Facilities in
West Virginia, Marshall University Center for Environmental,
Geotechnical and Applied Sciences for West Virginia Department
of Environmental Protection, June 30, 2015.
radioactivity risk from oil and gas activity been underrated? Reviewing
a Pennsylvania TENORM Studym Juliana Henao, FracTracker,
June 16, 2015.
Announces $20,750 Settlement against Casella Waste Management of
Pennsylvania, Inc., PA DEP Press Release, May 14, 2015.
in Greene County creeks: Pa. DEP gets an earful during the Chapter
78a Hearing in Washington, Pa, Video, YouTube, April
29, 2015.
unanimous vote, Tompkins bans local use of fracking waste,
Jeff Stein, Ithaca Voice, April 22, 2015.
County to ban frack waste in landfill, Keith J. Ferrante, Legislative
Gazette, April 20, 2015
County legislature passes bill to ban dumping waste from fracking,
Anne Hayden Harwood, Altamont Enterprise, April 16, 2015.
County Bans the Dumping of Fracking Waste in Landfills, Press
Release, Riverkeeper, April 15, 2015.
raises questions about measuring radioactivity in fracking wastewater,
Valerie Brown, Science Magazine, April 9, 2015.
of deadly radon gas in Pennsylvania buildings linked to fracking
industry, Ariana Eunjung Cha, Washington Post, April
9, 2015.
Away: Four states' failure to manage oil and gas waste in the Marcellus
and Utica Shale, Nadia Steinzor, Bruce Baizel, April 2, 2015.
Pushes Bill to Ban Fracking Waste on Highways, Doug Rosenthal,
Scarsdale Patch, March 13, 2015.
waste must be dealt with responsibly, Editorial Board, Poughkeepsie
Journal, February 18, 2015.
Radioactive fracking waste-dumping is safe, Keith Matheny, Detroit
Free Press, February 14, 2015.
York Banned Fracking, But 460,000 Tons of Fracking Waste Have Been
Dumped There, Emily Atkin, Climate Progress, February
6, 2015.
landfills taking tons of Pa. drilling waste, Jon Campbell, Ithaca
Journal, February 5, 2015.
of Radium-226 in High Salinity Wastewater from Unconventional Gas
Extraction by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry,
T. Zhang, Dept of Geology and Planetary Science, U of Pittsburg, Environ.
Sci. Technol., February 2, 2015, 49(5), pp 2969-2976.
Dakota: oil producers aim to cut radioactive waste bills, Ernest
Scheyder, Reuters, January 28, 2015.
to Dump: Despite Ban New York Permits Pennsylvania to Dump
Radioactive Fracking Waste Inside Our Borders, Environmental
Advocates, February 2015.
DEP Dreams of Radioactive Sheep, Chip Northrup, No Fracking
Way, January 26, 2015.
Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) Study
Report, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection,
January 2015.
Regulations and Policies for Control of Naturally-Occurring and
Accelerator Produced Radioactive Materials (NARM) and Technologically
Enhanced Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM),
Radiation Focus Group, Federal Facilities Research Center, Association
of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials, December
Dose and Risk Assessment of Landfill Disposal of Technologically
Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) in
North Dakota, AN L/EVS-14/13, Christopher B. Harto, Karen P.
Smith, Sunita Kamboj, and John J. Quinn, Environmental Science
Division, Argonne National Laboratory, November 2014.
Filed Against Governor Kasich and ODNR Over Radioactive Fracking
Waste, Food and Water Watch , November 19, 2014.
passes ban on waste products from fracking, Jennifer Barrios,
Newsday, October 31, 2014.
drops request for tenfold radiation increase, Keith Matheny, Detroit
Free Press, October 24, 2014. "Michigan Gov. Snyder has
convened a panel looking at regulations on disposing of technologically
enhanced, naturally occurring radioactive materials."
public representative on Michigan radioactive frack waste TENORM
panel, Ban Michigan Fracking, October 21, 2014.
frack sludge moved from Pennsylvania to who knows where, LuAnne
Kozma, Ban Michigan Fracking, October 21, 2014.
County Worries About Fracking Waste WENY TV, October 15, 2014.
billion gallons of oil industry wastewater has been injected illegally
into California Aquifers, Walter Einenkel, Daily Kos,
Oct 10, 2014.
DEP take their cases to court over 2012 flowback leak, Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette, October 7, 2014.
Treated fracking wastewater could still threaten drinking water,
Susan Phillips, State Impact, NPR, September 26, 2014.
drillers’ landfill records don’t match those of Pennsylvania
DEP, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 31, 2014.
County EQC to hear about radioactive waste at landfill, David
L. Shaw, Finger Lakes Times, September 3, 2014.
Why I Will Ban Gas Drilling Waste in New York's Landfills,
David Doonan, HowieHawkins.org, August 28, 2014.
landfill operator suspends receipt of low-level radioactive waste, Detroit
Free Press, August 25, 2014.
are sending sludge to the Mitten State, Heather Smith, Grist,
August 19, 2014.
landfill taking other states' radioactive fracking waste, Detroit
Free Press, August 19, 2014.
Over Radioactive Waste Going Into WV Landfills, Public
News Service - WV, August 2014.
drilling in North Dakota raises concerns about radioactive waste,
Neela Banerjee, LA Times, July 26, 2014.
Counties Have Banned Frack Filth in New York, Chip Northrup,
No Fracking Way, July 25, 2014
County Passes Fracking Waste Ban, Pat Bradley, WAMC,
July 24, 2014.
Riverkeeper Network wins appeal of PADEP’s refusal to disclose
radiation study files, Press Release, July 16, 2014.
Wary Of Uses For ‘Recycled’ Radioactive Fracking Waste, Addicting
Info, July 13, 2014.
another complication for fracking — radioactive waste, Living
on Earth, July 9, 2014.
from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division
of Materials Management, Region 8 to Casella Waste Systems regarding
Chemung County Landfill, Radiation Monitors and Leachate Testing,
June 23, 2014.
Leftover Marcellus Rocks, a Threat to Water Supplies: Radiation,
Matt Richmond, Allegany Front, June 19, 2014.
Radioactive drilling waste poses a serious threat, David Kowalski, Buffalo
News, May 29, 2014. David Kowalski, Ph.D., is a retired cancer
researcher and a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists.
more drilling sites found with Marcellus Shale sludge radioactivity
in Washington County; DEP sees no threat, Don Hopey, Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette, May 27, 2014.
States Rush To Keep Fracking Wastewater Out, Joanna M. Foster, Climate
Progress, May 20, 2014.
Papers presented at conference on NORM
and TENORM: Occurrence, Characterizing, Handling and Disposal,
Ohio State University, May 12, 2014.
of Attorney Gary Abraham before the NYS Senate Democratic Conference
Public Forum on the health and environmental risks posed by hydraulic
fracturing by-products and the acceptance thereof by New York State
publicly owned treatment works and landfills, Albany, NY. May
13, 2014.
of Roger Downs, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter before the State Senate
Democratic Conference on the health and environmental risks posed
by hydraulic fracturing by-products and the acceptance thereof
by New York State publicly owned treatment works and landfills,
Albany, NY, May 13, 2014.
of Walter L. T. Hang before the State Senate Democratic Conference
Forum Regarding Natural Gas and Oil Extraction Wastewater Concerns
In New York, Albany, NY, May 13, 2014.
Produces More Radioactive Waste than Nuclear Power Plants by
Chip Northrup, No Fracking Way, May 4, 2014.
Fracking Is Exposing People to Radioactive Waste, Tara Lohan, AlterNet,
May 2, 2014.
issues raised by Auburn wastewater report, Dave Tobin, Syracuse.com,
April 23, 2014.
to Governor Cuomo Requesting Immediate Action Due to Auburn Headworks
Analysis of Natural Gas Drilling Wastewater Hazards, Walter
Hang, April 22, 2014.
Wastewater Showing Elevated Radioactivity, Environmental
Leader, April 22, 2014. "Radioactivity is showing up
in wastewater from gas field landfills in West Virginia that serve
as disposal sites for Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling cuttings."
Waste Radioactivity In Water Leaching From Landfills, Public
News Service - WV,
April 21, 2014 "Tons of drill cuttings from Marcellus natural
gas wells are going to municipal landfills in West Virginia, and
radioactivity from the waste is leaching into surface water."
Waste Booms With Fracking as New Rules Mulled, Alex Nussbaum, Bloomberg
News, April 16, 2014.
Chemung County landfill expansion draws questions, Elmira
Star-Gazette, April 12, 2014.
Drillers extract thousands of tons of ‘hot’ rocks in
Pa., John Finnerty, Tribune-Democrat, March 29, 2014.
of Radium with Barium and Strontium Sulfate and Its Impact on the
Fate of Radium during Treatment of Produced Water from Unconventional
Gas Extraction, Tieyuan Zhang, Kelvin Gregory, Richard W. Hammack,
and Radisav D. Vidic, Environ. Sci. Technol., March 26,
Chemung County to Look at the Dangers of Radioactive Gas Drilling
Waste, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter Action Alert.
Snow Melts, Movement Builds to Ban Use of Drilling Waste on NYS
Roads, Sarah Crean, New York Environment Report, March 6, 2014.
Test Could Underestimate Radioactivity In Fracking Wastewater,
Deirdre Lockwood, Chemical and Engineering News, March
6, 2014. "Study shows that a test commonly used to analyze
drinking water is inappropriate for monitoring radium in the wastewater
from hydraulic fracturing."
Frack Dump Planned for New York, Chip Northrup, No Fracking
Way Blog, February 7, 2014.
County residents speak out against landfill expansion plan,
Derrick Ek, Corning Leader, Jan. 30, 2014. "Many objected
to the large amounts of drill cuttings from Marcellus Shale gas
well sites in Pennsylvania being accepted by the landfill, saying
it contained radioactive materials from deep underground."
hearing set on Chemung County landfill expansion plan, Derrick
Ek, Corning Leader, Jan. 28, 2014.
EPA, health officials dismiss radioactive threat from fracking:
Other states studying health risks in waste, Spencer Hunt,
The Columbus Dispatch, Monday January 27, 2014
Waste Dumped by Oil Companies Is Seeping out of the Ground in North
Dakota, Aaron Cantu, Alternet, January 24, 2014

Effluent discharged from treatment plants contained Radium 226
levels in stream sediments (544–8759 Bq/kg) at the point
of discharge were 200 times greater than upstream and background
sediments (22–44 Bq/kg) and above radioactive waste disposal
threshold regulations, posing potential environmental risks of
radium bioaccumulation in localized areas of shale gas wastewater
disposal. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es402165b
oil patch waste on the loose in N.D., Lauren Donovan, Bismarck
Tribune, January 19, 2014.
“Everything we’ve tested in the Bakken, it all exceeds
5 pCi per gram, virtually every sample,” he said. The number
is the state’s minimum threshold for radioactivity and stands
for Picocuries, a unit of measurement for elements like radium
and uranium.
Typically, filter socks’ radioactive levels range from 5
to 80, though one tested at 374. Tests on tank bottoms and retention
ponds at oil wells routinely run significantly higher numbers,
around 200 pCi, Rhea said. Kurt Rhea is chief executive officer
for Next Generation Solutions, a Colorado company that collects
some radioactive waste in the Bakken and transports it to approved
disposal sites in other states.
County Legislature sets public hearing on landfill expansion,
Warren Howeler, Morning Times, January 15, 2014
Tons Per Day Of Radioactive Oil Waste Unregulated in North Dakota,
Amy Dalrymple, Grand Forks Herald, reprinted in Popular Resistance,
November 24, 2013:
North Dakota’s oil industry generates 75 tons of low-level
radioactive waste per day and the state has few rules on how to
handle it, but does say it can’t be dumped in landfills.
But the waste does show up illegally in North Dakota landfills
as some companies try to avoid the expense and time it takes to
properly transport the waste out of state. Filter socks, which
are used in saltwater disposal wells to filter out the solids,
contain NORM and have been discovered illegally in municipal landfills
and ditches. There are estimates that the state’s saltwater
disposal wells need to dispose of between 19 million and 169 million
filter socks each year.
Video Presentation on the Science of Radioactivity in Shale,
Julie Weatherington-Rice, PhD Soil Science, November 12, 2013.
County Joins Growing Number of New York Counties Banning Fracking
Waste, Daniel Raichel, NRDC Switchboard, January 10, 2014.
Study: Fracking Is Leaving Radioactive Pollution In Pennsylvania
Rivers, Harrison Jacobs, Business Insider, Oct. 9,
study finds radium and elevated salinity in treated oil and gas
wastewater; highlights need for revised water quality regulations,
David Wogan, Scientific American, October 7, 2013.
Water From Fracking Found in Pennsylvania Creek According to Duke
Study, Laura Beans, EcoWatch, October 4, 2013.
Water Streaming Out of Pennsylvania Fracking Waste Site, Jacob
Chamberlain, Common Dreams, October 2, 2013.
linked to radioactive river water in Pa, Wendy Koch, USA
Today, October 2, 2013.
Study: Gas Production In Pennsylvania May Be Polluting Creek With
Radioactive Waste, Bobby Magill, Huffington Post, October
2, 2013.
Radioactivity levels were found to be elevated in sediment near
the outflow from the plant, and they were high enough that only
a licensed radioactive disposal facility is qualified to accept
them, said co-author Robert B. Jackson, Duke professor of environmental
science. Radioactivity has accumulated in the river sediments and
exceeds thresholds for safe disposal of radioactive waste, he said.
Radioactivity found in the creek downstream of the fracking wastewater
treatment plant is in low concentrations initially, but the study’s
results show what happens when a large amount of fracking wastewater
is treated in one location for a long period of time, said Jackson,
whose previous research showed “systematic evidence” of
methane contamination in drinking water associated with natural
gas extraction in the Marcellus.
“Each day, oil and gas producers generate 2 billion gallons
of wastewater,” Jackson said Tuesday. “They produce
more wastewater than hydrocarbons. That’s the broader implication
of this study. We have to do something with this wastewater.
“The use of fossil fuels has a direct climate connection,” he
said. “Hundreds of billions of gallons of wastewater is a
consequence of our reliance — our addiction — to fossil
fuels. That’s another price we pay for needing so much oil
and gas.
in Pennsylvania Creek Seen as Legacy of Fracking, Jim Efstathiou
Jr., BusinessWeek, October 2, 2013:
While earlier studies have identified radiation in drilling wastewater,
today’s report is the first to examine the long-term environmental
impacts of dumping it in rivers. . . . Sediment in Blacklick Creek
contained radium in concentrations 200 times above normal, or background
levels, according to the [Duke] study, . . . The radium, along
with salts such as bromide, came from the Josephine Brine Treatment
Facility about 45 miles east of Pittsburgh, a plant that treats
wastewater from oil and gas drilling. “The absolute levels
that we found are much higher than what you allow in the U.S. for
any place to dump radioactive material,” Avner Vengosh, a
professor at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University
and co-author of the study, said in an interview. “The radium
will be bio-accumulating. You eventually could get it in the fish.” .
. . . [The Duke] report exposes the risks of disposing of the surging
volumes of waste from gas fracking.
Wastewater From Fracking Is Found in a Pennsylvania Stream: New
testing shows that high levels of radium are being released into
the watershed that supplies Pittsburgh's drinking water, Joseph
Stromberg, smithsonianmag.com, October 2, 2013.
of Shale Gas Wastewater Disposal on Water Quality in Western Pennsylvania,
Nathaniel R. Warner , Cidney A. Christie , Robert B. Jackson ,
and Avner Vengosh, Duke University, Environ. Sci. Technol.,
2013, 47 (20), pp 11849–11857, DOI: 10.1021/ es402165b, October
2, 2013
Landfill Accepting Fracking Waste In Clear Violation of City Ordinance,
Peter Mantius, Niagara Falls Reporter, Aug. 27, 2013.
York Imports Pennsylvania's Radioactive Fracking Waste Despite
Falsified Water Tests, Peter Mantius, DC Bureau, Aug.
14, 2013.
in Fracking Wastewater Fight in PA, Earthjustice, Eco Watch,
Aug. 7, 2013.
Watch: The DEC plays ostrich on radioactive waste, Peter Mantius, Steuben
Courier-Advocate, Aug. 2, 2013.
push to limit use of wastewater created by hydrofracking, Jamie
D. Gilkey, The Troy Record, July 24, 2013.
Materials on two pending applications
to increase intake at the Hyland Landfill in Town of Angelica,
Allegany Couny, NY. The Hyland municipal solid waste landfill has
been taking Marcellus Shale drill cuttings from Pennsylvania for
several years. Comments were due July 21, 2013.
the DEC to Ban Radioactive Gas Drilling Waste, Sierra Club
Atlantic Chapter Action Alert, July 2013.

Illustration by Marika Burke.
Pennsylvania Wastewater Treatment Plant Accused of Illegally Disposing
Radioactive Fracking Waste, Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog,
July 18, 2013.
Syracuse lab admits falsifying water, soil tests through backdating,
John O'Brien, Syracuse.com, July 17, 2013.
Fights Back After Becoming the Nation’s Fracking Waste Dump,
Trisha Marczak, Mint Press News, Eco Watch, July 15, 2013.
Radioactive Frack Waste, Chip Northrup, No Fracking Way,
July 9, 2013.
radioactive waste remains in Greene, Tara Kinsell, Observer_Reporter,
July 9, 2013.
Rocks – Radioactive Shale Drill Cuttings, Chip Northrup, No
Fracking Way, July 4, 2013.
wells disposing of more fracking waste, Associated Press, Newark
Advocate, July 2, 2013.
Application of Drilling Fluids: Landowner Considerations, Mark
L. McFarland, Professor and Extension State Water Quality Specialist,
Sam E. Feagley, Professor and Extension State Environmental Specialist,
Tony L. Provin, Associate Professor and Extension Laboratory Director,
Texas AgriLife Extension Service.
Reveals Radiation Risk Models Underestimate Harms of Exposure by
10,000 Fold, GreenMedInfo, June 20, 2013.
Radioactive waste from fracking plagues Ohio, Rachel Morgan,
Calkins Media, Elwood City Ledger, June 14, 2013.
"Oil and gas companies, along with the state agencies they’ve
bamboozled, would have you believe any radioactivity present in
waste streams is either within regulatory limits, not within the
jurisdiction of state governments to regulate, or non-existent," said
Marvin Resnikoff, the author of the report. "Translation 1:
The radium-226 in Marcellus shale inexplicably disappears when
it is brought to the surface," he continued. "Translation
2: The oil and gas industry does not want to pay the true costs
of transporting, managing or disposing the radioactive waste they
are producing.”
Fracturing: Radiological Concerns for Ohio. Fact Sheet Prepared
for FreshWater Accountability Project Ohio by Melissa Belcher,
M.S. and Marvin Resnikoff, Ph.D., June 13, 2013.
of DNA Damage from Internal Radionuclides, Chris Busby, Chap. 22
in New
Research Directions in DNA Repair, edited by Clark Chen, InTech,
May 2013.
County Bans Radioactive Fracking Waste, Grassroots Environmental
Education, ecowatch.com, June 5, 2013
Waste From the Marcellus Shale Continues to Draw Concern, Sharon
Kelly, desmogblog.com, June 3, 2013.
Trucking Toxic Radioactive Frack Waste to a Town Near You,
Chip Northrup, No Fracking Way, May 24, 2013.
Act for the Protection of Public Health from Exposure to Radon
in Natural Gas, New
York Assembly Bill No. A6863, same as New
York Senate Bill No.S4921. ASSEMBLY SPONSOR Rosenthal, COSPNSR
Maisel, Abinanti, Gabryszak, Miller, Gottfried, Roberts, Quart,
MLTSPNSR Brennan, Colton, Cook, Glick, Lifton, Rivera, Robinson,
Sepulveda. SENATE SPONSOR Savino, COSPNSR Addabbo, Avella, Carlucci,
Hoylman, Latimer, Serrano.
pipeline radon fear starting to catch fire, Eileen Stukane, The
Villager, May 23, 2013.
Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Have Too Much Radon In It?,
Marie Cusick, StateImpact Pennsylvania, May 15, 2013.
Drilling Waste Sparks Concern, Marie Cusick, StateImpact
Pennsylvania, May 14, 2013.
fracking debris triggers worries at dump sites, Timothy Puko, Pittsburgh
Tribune-Review, May 11, 2013.
waste on the N.D. monitor: Energy Industry Waste Coalition worried
about improper disposal of oilfield material: Landfill employees
here discovered at least two “hot loads” this week,
illustrating why a group of North Dakota citizens is worried about
the proper disposal of radioactive waste that comes with oil production,
Amy Dalrymple, Forum News Service, The Jamestown Sun, May
18, 2013.
act prohibiting the acceptance of wastewater from oil or natural
gas extraction activities at wastewater treatment facilities and
landfills, New
York Senate Bill No. S5412, same as New
York Assembly Bill No. A7497. SENATE SPONSOR Gipson, ASSEMBLY
SPONSOR Buchwald.
act prohibiting the transportation or shipment of any waste product
or byproduct from hydraulic fracturing operations, New
York Senate Bill No. S5123A, same as New
York Assembly Bill No. A7503-2013. SENATE SPONSOR Tkaczyk,
Proposes Ban on Hazardous Fracking Waste Being Shipped into New
York State, Jim Plastiras, NYS Senate Press Release,
May 15, 2013.
bill would ban the import and treatment of fracking fluid,
Jess String, Legislative Gazette, May 15, 2013
frack waste will travel, The Chronicle, Chester and
Goshen NY, May 15, 2013, showing XTO Energy's cuttings disposal
Ohio’s Landfills Become a Dumping Ground for Radioactive
Fracking Waste?, Ohio Environmental Council, EcoWatch,
May 14, 2013.
in Marcellus Shale: Pennsylvania DEP Takes Notice, Marvin Resnikoff, RWMA
Newsletter, April 26, 2013.
Truck Sets Off Radiation Alarm At Landfill, Jeff McMahon, Forbes,
April 24, 2013.
truck sets off alarm in South Huntingdon, Paul Peirce, Pittsburgh
Tribune-Review, April 23, 2013. "A truck loaded with Marcellus
shale drill cuttings that triggered a radiation alarm at a hazardous
waste landfill in South Huntingdon was ordered back to a Greene
County drilling site last weekend."
Oil & Gas
Development Radiation Study, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection. Study announced Jan. 24, 2013. On April 3, 2013, DEP
released additional details of the study:
Unveils More Details About Marcellus Radiation Study, Marie
Cusick, StateImpact Pennsylvania, April 3, 2013.
begins fracking radiation tests, Rachel Morgan, timesonline.com,
Beaver, PA, Apr. 3, 2013.
Shale & TENORM, David J. Allard, CHP, Director, PA DEP,
Bureau of Radiation Protection,
Presentation at PEMA EM Conference, September 24, 2011.
on Radioactive Fracking Waste Passed by Putnam County, NY Legislators, ecowatch.com,
March 7, 2013.
Wastewater Leak Investigated, Casey Junkins, Wheeling News-Register,
February 28, 2013.
Officials want to know how 2,264 barrels of brine wastewater
leaked from a storage pit into a local tributary of Big Wheeling
Creek in Marshall County, WV. The storage pit, containing both
fresh water and brine wastewater, which is produced during the
fracking process, overflowed because of an open valve. Despite
the insistence of the West Virginia DEP that the spill did not
create a major problem, some materials in brine water can be radioactive,
such as radium and uranium. A 2011 study by the U.S. Geological
Survey examined 52 samples of Marcellus Shale wastewater collected
from wells in New York and Pennsylvania. Some of the samples showed
readings for radium at least 242 times higher than the amount allowed
for drinking water - and at least 20 times higher than the industrial
standard. [See Radium
Content of Oil- and Gas-Field Produced Waters in the Northern Appalachian
Basin (USA), U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations
Report 2011–5135, E.L. Rowan, M.A. Engle, C.S. Kirby, and
T.F. Kraemer.]
radioactive is oil and gas waste? New study, Amy Mall’s
Blog, Natural Resources Defense Council, Feb. 27, 2013.
new paper published in NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental
and Occupational Health Policy, discusses an analysis of radioactive
waste sludgetwo pit sites related to drilling and fracking of
Barnett Shale wells. Both sites are in the midst of agricultural
land. One site was a former pit which had been drained and leveled
to the surrounding elevation and the second is a pit that, at
the time of sampling, held drilling mud, water for hydraulic
fracturing, processed water and/or drill cuttings.
The analysis confirmed the presence of alpha, beta, and gamma
radiation in the soil and water that was tested. The gamma-emitting
radionuclides identified exceeded regulatory guideline values by
more than 800 percent. According to the paper's authors, the active
pit was overflowing into a neighboring stream.
The authors also report that agricultural land adjacent to the
drained reserve pit may have an increased potential for radioactive
material taken up in livestock feed crops growing on the land due
to wind transport, runoff, and migration of soil onto adjacent
of Reserve Pit Sludge from Unconventional Natural Gas Hydraulic
Fracturing and Drilling Operations for the Presence of Technologically
Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM),
by Alisa L. Rich and Ernest C. Crosby, NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal
of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy.
seeks radioactivity testing on drilling wastes, by Spencer
Hunt, The Columbus Dispatch, Feb. 13, 2013.
should be exceedingly careful about allowing landfills to take
fracking waste: editorial, Editorial Board, Cleveland Plain
Dealer, Feb. 4, 2013.
backtracks on radiation issue, Rachel Morgan, timesonline.com,
Beaver, PA, Jan. 25, 2013.
HARRISBURG -- For months, the state Department of Environmental
Protection denied that radiation in wastewater from natural gas
drilling was an issue. On Thursday night, the state announced plans
to study the effects of radiation in natural gas drilling wastewater.
wastewater can be highly radioactive, Rachel Morgan, timesonline.com,
Beaver, PA, Jan. 24, 2013.
Announces Comprehensive Oil and Gas Development Radiation Study,
Pennsylvania DEP News Release, Jan. 24, 2013
a Wyoming Ranch, Feds Sacrifice Tomorrow’s Water to Mine
Uranium Today, by Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica, Dec.
26, 2012, Graphic:
Uranium Mining at a Wyoming Ranch, ProPublica, Dec.
26, 2012.
County Legislators Praised For Unanimously Voting to Ban Radioactive
Fracking Waste, riverkeeper.org, Dec. 11, 2012.
the Well: How the Feds Let Industry Pollute the Nation’s
Underground Water Supply, by Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica,
Dec. 11, 2012
Fracksylvania Dumps Its Waste, by Chip Northrup, Shaleshock
Blog, Nov. 21, 2012.
Karen Edelstein prepared this map from PA DEP data showing where
Pennsylvania drilling waste goes in New York. Much of the waste is
going to the Hyland landfill in Angelica (blue) and the Hakes
landfill in Painted Post (purple). Both landfills are sending
their leachate to the Steuben landfill leachate pre-treatment plant
which dischanges into the Village
of Bath wastewater treatment plant.